Man commutes 300 miles to work! - perro

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Edited by Dynamic Dave on 21/05/2009 at 11:24

Man commutes 300 miles to work! - stunorthants26
Good man, like his style.
Man commutes 300 miles to work! - oldnotbold
I know of a few who do something similar, but with a caravan permanently on a site.
Man commutes 300 miles to work! - Altea Ego
I see an article about a man who lives in a tent, not a man who commutes 300 miles to work.
Man commutes 300 miles to work! - Westpig
I see an article about a man who lives in a tent not a man who commutes 300 miles to work.

he might do on the monday morning and friday afternoon....but your point is valid
Man commutes 300 miles to work! - rtj70
I agree with AE - he does not commute he stays near to work during the week. I work in Edinburgh on a project at the moment. I do not drive from the NW daily I stay in a hotel. Luckily I do not pay the approx £100 per day for costs.
Man commutes 300 miles to work! - Stuartli
I knew someone who commuted 110 miles each way every day to work and not only that, was usually first in and last away in the evening.

He and his wife eventually found a new home that proved to be even further away, but all that driving didn't stop him doing home improvements at weekends...:-)
Man commutes 300 miles to work! - Armitage Shanks {p}
Stuart - Obviously not one of our grubby grasping MPs then!
Man commutes 300 miles to work! - Sofa Spud
Someone who commutes 100 miles TO work? Commuting 100 miles IS work!
Man commutes 300 miles to work! - perro
>>> I knew someone who commuted 110 miles each way every day to work and not only that, was usually first in and last away in the evening. <<<

If I drove from here (Truro, Cornwall) to Exeter in Devon on the ole A30, it would rake me just over 1.5 hours to cover the 89 miles + its a good road but, it could take that amount of time just to get across a City - especially Londinium.
I suppose to commute 110m e/w via rail is do-able no problemo.
Man commutes 300 miles to work! - scouseford
Back in the 70's I was the manager of a private hotel, run by a large chemical company for the use of its staff and visitors. During my first year there (in Hertfordshire) we had a couple of the company's auditors staying for the week whilst they did some preparatory work on the company's accounts. I got talking to one of them and the conversation got onto the subject of commuting. The firm of accountants was based in Reading and the auditor said that he would be going home on the Wednesday night because Reading FC were playing an important game (possibly an oxymoron) and he would return the following morning. When I suggested that it was a bit far to travel for a football match he said that one of their staff commuted daily from Merseyside to Reading. That can't be far short of 200 miles each way and with a pretty good (and reliable) car and good conditions it must have taken him at least 3 hours each way.

My immediate reaction was that he must have been on a very lucrative fiddle that demanded his attendance on a daily basis. The cost of the actual travel, not to mention the depreciation of his car and the toll on his body, could not have been viable on the salary of a staff accountant.

I've often wondered since what happened to the long distance commuter.
Man commutes 300 miles to work! - Armitage Shanks {p}
My son-in-law used to commute Morpeth to Doncaster and back, 3 times a week and 2 nights in a hotel to make the 5 nights. A bit of a trek!
Man commutes 300 miles to work! - henry k
A few years back one of our contractors, with a decent company car commuted from Bath to Hounslow every day for about a couple of years
It was mostly motorway but into the sun in the morning and evening.

A relative commuted from Cambridge to Twickenham every day for several years.
That is not such a relaxed drive.

Of course it is not just distance but time of day, road conditions, type / ownership of car and a few other factors that affect the situation.
Man commutes 300 miles to work! - turbo11
I commute 72 miles each way to work in Surrey every day.Two of my work colleagues also commute 90 miles each way from cambridgeshire every day. We also have one guy who flies down from Scotland, stays in digs and then returns when work quietens down(sometimes not for a few weeks).There are also a few guys who stay in local digs and drive back to Newcastle on a friday afternoon., having driven down at 2am on a monday morning.
Man commutes 300 miles to work! - Farmer Boy
I heard a story about a woman who lived so far from her work that she had to start going there before she got home at night!
Man commutes 300 miles to work! - Stuartli
On a slightly different tangent, I recall a television news item some years ago about rail fares going up (so that makes the date difficult to pinpoint!) and the additional cost affecting quite a large number of people in Yorkshire.

The reason? They went to and from work on the train every day to London and the annual season ticket was going to rise to approximately £12,000.
Man commutes 300 miles to work! - Altea Ego
I went to the north once.

£12000 is cheap to get away from it.
Man commutes 300 miles to work! - Stuartli
>>£12000 is cheap to get away from it.>>

At least it's not full of self important, arrogant, opinionated, unsociable, over paid people who think they are superior to the rest of the human race - people from the North are more friendly, outgoing and ever ready to help others. What's more they actually talk to each other, even perfect strangers..:-)

Man commutes 300 miles to work! - smokie
...and that's enough of that, thanks

smokie, moderator