Have you used this site, can't access - autumnboy
I've registered with this site ' www.citroenpicasso.org.uk/ '

I can logon, and read all the Topics. But cannot place a Topic or Contact any of the Mods to ask them Why I get an error message, even certain areas of my Controls I can't access, without it saying 'I don't have permission' to enter.

Has anyone used it or maybe know why I can't access etc.


edited, as the quotes you put at each end of the link prevented it from working at all

Edited by Webmaster on 20/05/2009 at 00:05

Have you used this site, can't access - Avant
Do you have to go through a procedure to 'activate' your membership, involving an E-mail back from the forum? (how I hate the word 'activate' - pure jargon, and it means something doesn't work which should)

I had a similar problem joining the Briskoda forum until a helpful person on this forum suggested that AOL was blocking their E-mail back to me. I set up a hotmail account and it got through.

I blame the 'A' in AOL which is at the root of many problems.
Have you used this site, can't access - autumnboy

Yes I had to 'activate' my membership via a email from them and used the link sent to confirm. If I did not have this I could not logon, as I can do.

Its just that I cannot create a topic, use some of the features or contact any of the Moderator's to trouble shoot this problem.

As I said a page comes from them saying 'I dont have permission to use this feature'.

thanks again.
Have you used this site, can't access - b308
Maybe they have a period where you can't set up new topics until you've proved yourself?

Think the best thing to do is read the terms and conditions of the forum and try to contact them again by email
Have you used this site, can't access - autumnboy

That's the problem, I can't email/pm any of the Moderators listed on the help/assistant page, as 'I dont have permission'.

And having read the rules etc. there should be no probs., yet other people are listing or answering topics.

I'll give them a couple of days, then scrub them.

Edited by autumnboy on 20/05/2009 at 22:54

Have you used this site, can't access - Another John H
I think they must be having some (temporary?) problems - I created an account there a few months ago to access their forums, and what I needed was "pinned" in the technical FAQ, so I never needed to post.

I just tried logging in now and got the errors you describe. And even though I appear to be logged in, I can't create a new post.

The "contact the administrator" link gives this email address:


If you've got a Picasso, it's probably worth persevering with that site - there's a lot of useful information there, and the Picasso is a complicated beast.