Silly Thread Volume 11 - Dynamic Dave

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Edited by Dynamic Dave on 04/05/2009 at 14:14

He could have had his chips - borasport20

assuming the car belonged to a he

He could have had his chips - Alby Back
The driver is said to be now no more than a vegetable.
He could have had his chips - BobbyG
Car looks pretty mashed
He could have had his chips - L'escargot
assuming the car belonged to a he

He was probably a he, judging by the photograph of him shovelling up potatoes to take home for his dinner.

Edited by L'escargot on 01/05/2009 at 15:49

He could have had his chips - Altea Ego
The problem has been sauteed.
He could have had his chips - oldnotbold
Wilja be driving that home?
He could have had his chips - frazerjp
Could someone have been in a hurry to the Walkers plant in Leicester?
He could have had his chips - ifithelps
Can anyone name the car?

I'm struggling to identify it.
He could have had his chips - L'escargot
Can anyone name the car?

It's a Squashi.
He could have had his chips - George Porge
A Megane
He could have had his chips - DP
I would have said a 306.
He could have had his chips - Armitage Shanks {p}
I think a 306, with the limited edition crushed velour trim!
He could have had his chips - DP
It must feel like a real kick in the spuds if that happens to your car when parked up! I think that truck driver is in for a proper roasting.

Edited by DP on 02/05/2009 at 11:42

He could have had his chips - b308
Bet he got a real roasting for that!

Edited by b308 on 02/05/2009 at 11:49

He could have had his chips - bell boy
surprised someone hasnt suggesting a complaint under SOGA as the car failed to take a slight overloading of the roof
He could have had his chips - able1

It's a starch reminder of poor carbohydrate loading.

Is the car a Morris Piper ?
He could have had his chips - bathtub tom
D'yer reckon it's battery's flat?
He could have had his chips - Martin Devon
Was that Royal not King Edward the Compressor??
He could have had his chips - Rumfitt
Certainly a little tattie 'round the edges...
He could have had his chips - Rumfitt
Or Spud-U-Hate...
He could have had his chips - Hamsafar
I think it's a dreary mid-90s Toyota, because the rubbing strip and bumper and wing don't match the 306 or Megane.
He could have had his chips - George Porge
Laguna, note huge door mirror, the side repeater in the door rubbing strip and the bonnet wraps over the top of the wing.

He could have had his chips - L'escargot
It's a Squashi.

Just a joke. Barely just apparently!
He could have had his chips - Ben 10
"There's never a PEELER around when you need one. EYE bet the bodywork has numerous CHIPS on it and the owner saw RED. The car is definately FRENCH.... FRIED in the afternoon sun. The owner had to dash back to the scene and KETCHUP with the paperwork."

I know, its getting late, and I've work tomorrow :-(
He could have had his chips - Avant
Agree with Dox. Definitely tatty-bye to a Laguna, now a Lagoner.

Edited by Avant on 04/05/2009 at 01:56

He could have had his chips - welshlad
apparently the driver of the lorry ran away from the scene the police have asked people to keep their eyes PEELED.
He could have had his chips - JohnM{P}
Owner must have been sauteed off when he came back to find his French car a proverbial croquette of sh... you know what.
He could have had his chips - George Porge
Wilja think he got paid out?

Two classes of members ~ whingers and contented - L'escargot
Could we divide the Backroom up into two sections? One section for those who habitually whinge about all and sundry ~ condition of roads, driving standards, car manufacturers, franchised dealers, the government etc., ~ and the other for us more contented folk.
Two classes of members ~ whingers and contented - pmh2
Where do whingers about whingers go? Ah - section 3!

Two classes of members ~ whingers and contented - oilrag
Stop whinging ....... ;-)

Edited by oilrag on 06/05/2009 at 13:05

Two classes of members ~ whingers and contented - Robin Reliant
What about those of us who have the odd moan but are basically content? We should have a voice too, you know.
Amusing T shirt Slogans - Armitage Shanks {p}
My recent Favourite

You are only jealous because the voices are taking to ME!!!!!
Amusing T shirt Slogans - 1400ted
I have one which I have been forbidden to wear by Erin Dors

'If women became extinct, men would have to domesticate some other dumb creature '

She thinks it's non PC.

Fans. - 1400ted

Driving up the M6 , I entered the Lune Gorge and on my left I saw a lot of huge white fans on a hilltop !

My question is, 'Can anyone explain why we need these fans, is this country not windy enough at the best of times ?'


Fans. - Robin Reliant
They are there so the cooling breeze will help to alleviate global warming.
Fans. - bathtub tom
How else do you think the world would go round every twenty-four hours?
Fans. - 1400ted
But, surely, jet engines would be more powerful to turn the planet...after all, it does need to attain and maintain 1000 mph or all the clocks would be wrong !

S car racing - Tron
Snail enters a racing competion.

He is told that as he is a snail he has to have the race number of just a letter S & start from the back of the grid.

So he starts the race, lap after lap he gains on all until the last lap when he rushes past the 3 leaders on the finishing line & against all odds actually wins the race!

The crowd shouts...

wait for it...

Look at that S Car GO!

Edited by The Angler on 22/05/2009 at 10:35

S car racing - RobertyBob
S car racing - Westpig
what is a TOG?
S car racing - Dynamic Dave
Never mind TOG, I'm still trying to work out the punchline to the joke, if indeed there was one?
S car racing - RobertyBob
"What is a TOG"

This joke was told by TW on Radio 2 this morning, about 2 mins before Tron posted it.

{8< Snip. Now lets not get personal}

Edited by Dynamic Dave on 22/05/2009 at 13:46

S car racing - Tron
A TOG/TWOG is a Terry Wogans Old word for person begins with G ends in T and has an 'eye' in the middle

Made me laugh anyways... I thought I would share it.

Escargot = snails S car Go?


...Oh! and how some did!
Is there an advantage to drinking and driving? - L'escargot
In a high percentage of road accidents, one of the drivers is under the influence of alcohol. However, you rarely hear about accidents in which both drivers are over the limit. Perhaps we should all "drink and drive".

Edited by L'escargot on 23/05/2009 at 08:18

Is there an advantage to drinking and driving? - loonykev
Would you advocate a fine for non-compliance? A ban perhaps? :)
Is there an advantage to drinking and driving? - 1400ted
I don't think you should be penalised too much if you have an accident when you're over the limit....I mean, how do they expect you to drive carefully when you've had a few ?

Is there an advantage to drinking and driving? - Tron
Think & drive more like...

The Decoy.

A routine police patrol is parked outside a local neighbourhood pub. Late in the evening the officers notice a man leaving the bar so intoxicated that he could barely walk. The man stumbled around the carpark for a few minutes, with the officers quietly observing. After what seemed an eternity, and trying his keys on five vehicles, the man managed to find his car which he fell into. He was there for a few minutes as a number of other patrons left the bar and drove off.

Finally he started the car, switched the wipers on and off (it was a fine dry night) flicked the indicators on, then off, tooted the horn and then switched on the lights. He moved the vehicle forward a few inches, reversed a little and then remained stationary for a few more minutes as some more vehicles left.

At last he pulled out of the car park and started to drive slowly down the road. The police officers, having patiently waited all this time, now started up the patrol car, put on the flashing lights, promptly pulled the man over, and carried out a breathalyzer test.

To their amazement the breathalyser indicated no evidence of the man having consumed alcohol at all! Dumbfounded, one of the officers said "I'll have to ask you to accompany me to the Police station this breathalyser equipment must be broken."

"I doubt it," said the man, "I'm the designated decoy, so I haven't touched a drop all night."

Edited by Tron on 24/05/2009 at 11:30

A funny little number! - Hector Brocklebank
Hector calls up Donnington Park.

Edited by Hector Brocklebank on 25/05/2009 at 20:57

A funny little number! - Lud
That's very funny HB. Is it really you are is one of you a clone?

What a very nice lady that is by the way. Unless the whole thing is a put-up job, she was extremely patient and courteous in a way I like to think is English.

I love the thought of this crazed Scot snaking around a racing circuit in an artic laden with cod and haddock, drawing black lines from his variably inflated tyres. And this lady doing her best to deflect him without upsetting the guy. Just so sweet.

Unless it's a put-up job.
Ode to the small car - oilrag
Herberts small car hurried past
hop hop hop hop - jig jig gasp
teeth a chattering to vibration
saving fuel - for the nation

thin tyres squealing - not so fast!
hop hop hop hop - jig jig gasp
speed humps fling it in the air
Herbert hangs on - what a `mare

A speck of dust on that bend
back end hops out - that`s the trend
It`s OK though cos he`s a fan
Of City cars like a sardine can

Herbert takes it - bumps and all
He`s a Human bagatelle - pinball
he up`s the speed now - going fast
hop hop hop hop - jig jig gasp
Ode to the small car - mike hannon
Yes, another nice one Oilrag.
I think you should
a - rename it 'ode to the puddlejumper'
b - add another verse or two mentioning how the poor suffering owner is desperately sorry he sacrificed his real car to the scrappage scheme.
Ode to the small car - oilrag
Herbert longed for his old motor
leather and badge - what a gloater
waiting forever at the junction
not let out - a paradoxical injunction?

He knows his own importance, see
but others pass and smirk with glee
he gives the thumb-less handshake-salute
a Brother returns it - meanings mute

he`s out and rolling along the road
leather walnut - others to goad
he peers out from his mighty beast
and laughs at peasants - who have least

But his bubble bursts - his bank is bust
his motors gone - its city car or bus
now his red braces start to twang
jig jig jig - he`s in a tin can
Ode to the small car - J Bonington Jagworth
"But his bubble bursts - his bank is bust
his motors gone - its city car or bust"

Which of course means that he never owned the car in the first place! Serves him right...
Ode to the small car - oilrag
unless it said `bus`
Ode to the small car - J Bonington Jagworth
Sorry, Oilrag - not quite sure what happened there!
Ode to the small car - bell boy
herberts car was a heap of rust
he went to the vicar because in god we trust
the vicar said your big ends gone
our herbert was forlorn

he tried to sell it in traders aut
he wished the young filly she was had bought
she showed her teeth and with a larf
said that old heap wont pass the caff

old herbert didnt know what to do
so he went in the cupboard to fetch his shoe
he found stuffed inem a bottle of beer
that did him good to have some cheer

he decided to go for scrappage allowance
but poor old herb was too old they said
he was over 80 see
and according to their computa was dead

poor old herbert.........................

Ode to the small car - oilrag
Herbert walked home with a snigger
It was`t young lads motor - go figure
He slid inside his Bentley to a golden glow
well greased brake pipes down below

That small car should have been a Gloater
With a name like that too - what a floater
he trembled at the oft aspired badge
never again an aspiring cadge

He past the garage in the limo
a head peered out and did a limbo
from underneath a heap of junk
eyes agog at Herberts front
Ode to the small car - madux
Herbert is a spotty youth -
baseball cap backwards - quite uncouth.
He'd really like to have a Nova
But dad can't help - too hung-over.
Then he had a cunning plan
'I'll make them think me a big man'
With sharpened screwdriver and centre-punch
He went stalking while Oilrag was at lunch.
Stole the Bentley, just for fun
Bit annoyed when it would not do the ton.
Ode to the small car - oilrag
Herbert woke up with a start - eyes agog
Oh NOOOooo - jig jig jig jig jig jig - JOG
Ode to the small car - madux
Herbert had a wet dream.
Ode to the small car - Avant
Said Herbie "For a treat I'll
Scrap my ancient Beetle
And buy myself a Corsa:
Cheaper than a Porsche."

If the camshaft had been stronger
My song would have been longer.
Ode to the small car - mike hannon
I seem to remember a couple of weeks ago the Telegraph ran a story saying the vacancy for Oxford Professor of Poetry was still open, because of infighting among candidates...
Ode to the small car - oilrag
Should read `hop hop` - sorry
Ode to the small car - 1400ted
Come back, W.H.Auden....all is forgiven !

German Motorists Get Financial Incentive To Cycle - Robin Reliant
Cheesoid - Dipstick
It's sort of motoring related. After all, it's got Petril in it.

Safe for work, five minutes, Youtube, I think it's very funny and a bit poignant too, if you can empathise with robots.

Hector's at it again! - Hector Brocklebank for sale!
Cycling in Sweden and tall photographers in Kent - jbif
Friday fun, as captured by Google Streetview:

relates to

serviced rotted Angle belly - Enteratu Moteurs
We take the arrows ( no more please) - now we help angle rotted opipe and belly of car at our French garage.

Rotted down below - pipes crust of salt and dung of the cow - we serve your car and swap ze oil around to our tractor and back to you when you call next year.

Today news in our workshop.

1) The Renault of Pierre - he is oil and grease - no codes -

2) The 205 - twenty years he coming. no rust and small bill.

2) Small British snail shape unmentionable.
He pull in and pile of rust dung salt and more rust drop onto our garage floor as fly settles on roof. Spark plugs all snap off and more rust drop on floor - we drag out back and poof `e dead. -
Tomorrow we no work - drink beer

Thank you

serviced rotted Angle belly - GroovyMucker
serviced rotted Angle belly - Enteratu Moteurs
Yes I welcome to forum - opost car service data to help - in tour of France

Thank you muck groove
serviced rotted Angle belly - nortones2
Nurse, nurse, come quickly!
serviced rotted Angle belly - bell boy
Bonjour, monsieur
un kak kak
Mais oui

arrows->->->->->-> back
serviced rotted Angle belly - Enteratu Moteurs
Angle men and woman - we love your car - service oil greaze and longbow arrows.

Discount for descend of `enry 5th on iol change and free bowstring
serviced rotted Angle belly - Enteratu Moteurs
Thye plugg - he no like the falaise gap - POOF!
serviced rotted Angle belly - nortones2
Enteratu. You leave me no option. I must quote the full passage, from Denton Welch, at you. 'Nurse, nurse, come quickly; Pym has gone queer and is hopping round the floor saying he?s a frog.'

Three separate levels of insult I think:)
serviced rotted Angle belly - GroovyMucker
Bienvenue chez les ...

serviced rotted Angle belly - nortones2
.....chez les rosbifs?
serviced rotted Angle belly - Red Van Man
mange tout les menage a trois, soixante neuf je ne pas mon deux chevaux vapeur.
serviced rotted Angle belly - Lud
Zat ees my old copain haillon-graissse from ze Societe des Poetes Dingues d'Outre-Mer or I will scoff my chapeau...

No graisse on ze brek-pipes, hein? So zey explode undair eavy braking like zits on ze visage of an Engleesh or Flemish teenager or badly shaken barrels of Pssschitt! ovair a bad stretch of pave, non?

Ave some proper bread for me comrade.
serviced rotted Angle belly - Enteratu Moteurs
Rostbeefs rotted break down here
e` nock is knees and quake with fear
e` gasket water burst the tube
is garage as done over lube

e` run is flag now up its pole
is knotted hanky black as coal
three monkeys now run up the stick
one fall down - click click

e` as a sticker on the rear
`no to foreigner` no to cheer
e` is an Angle ere in France!
is rotted brake pippies ave no chance..

serviced rotted Angle belly - mike hannon
And get that stripey jumper and beret off right NOW!
serviced rotted Angle belly - L'escargot
2) Small British snail shape unmentionable.

Zut alors et sacré bleu!
serviced rotted Angle belly - Alby Back
Odd really, I'm sure I detect a Yorkshire twang in the phonetics..........

Some of it seems a bit, well........ ragged but somehow slick, perhaps ??

Might be my imagination of course.

What Car Does Freddie Flintoff Drive? - Nsar
*Pathetic attempt to bring motoring link to shameless plugging of the news that we've beaten the Aussies at HQ*

Clark was awesome though.
What Car Does Freddie Flintoff Drive? - Soupytwist
After today, probably any car he darn well wants!
What Car Does Freddie Flintoff Drive? - Armitage Shanks {p}
If it matches his personality it will drink lots of fuel, be a bad starter, have a weak suspension and be covered with "Stubble". Good effort all round though!
What Car Does Freddie Flintoff Drive? - nick1975
it used to be a vw touareg
What Car Does Freddie Flintoff Drive? - BobbyG
Who is Freddie Flintoff?
What Car Does Freddie Flintoff Drive? - Altea Ego
typical comment from a jock, If its nothing to do with hoops or the blues , its not sport.
What Car Does Freddie Flintoff Drive? - BobbyG
You got it in one!!!
And impressed with your Scottish Football knowledge!!

Oh is this the guy that plays rounders???
What Car Does Freddie Flintoff Drive? - Lud
jock... hoops or the blues...

Horse racing, croquet and jazz, AE?

What about Adult Male Rounders and Armoured Behemoth Go-Straight-At-'Em Rugger, the two US national games?
What Car Does Freddie Flintoff Drive? - Pugugly
Silly thread beckons - Silly mid off actually.

Edited by Pugugly on 20/07/2009 at 18:23

What Car Does Freddie Flintoff Drive? - ForumNeedsModerating
Aussies to distraction.
What Car Does Freddie Flintoff Drive? - Alby Back
It's not a sport is it ? Not in a jumper.

What Car Does Freddie Flintoff Drive? - Altea Ego
What about Adult Male Rounders and Armoured Behemoth Go-Straight-At-'Em Rugger the two US national games?

I have been dealing with some fresh, virginal to the uk yanks.

I could not convince them that after 5 days play getting a draw (Cardiff 1st test) was a result. And then when I told them that was a good result, a damn good result, they assumed I was mad
Windows can solve your Land Rover problems - crunch_time
It's all built in from Windows 98 on!

Go to

Volkswagen turn staircase into giant piano - rtj70

Edited by rtj70 on 09/10/2009 at 16:44

Welcome to our friends from across the pond? - Chris M
What's all this US advertising on the right hand side of the page?

Apparently we can get a $1,200 uplift. I'll tell the wife - she could do with one of those;-)
Welcome to our friends from across the pond? - 1400ted
Just get her to scrape her hair backwards as tightly as possible and secure it.........1200 bucks saved !

Welcome to our friends from across the pond? - Dutchie
I did't think we where part of the us yet,unless things have changed?