The joy of classics - perro
These models are all bare from the top down, all British beauties - out in the open and au natural ~
The joy of classics - Westpig
Motoring Section of todays' DT perro?...I had a good read of that as well...then had a discussion with my Domestic Financial Director, who surprisingly rang a mechanic i've used in the past, who's agreed to come to my house in 2 weeks time to put my old Triumph back on the road, it's been Sorned for over 5 years. (1968 Triumph 2000 mk 1 auto) doesn't really need much doing, I can't wait.
The joy of classics - 1400ted
My thoughts exactly WP, just coming to the end of a long job fitting a new workshop for my old girl ( kitchen ) Only said to her the other day that when I've finished, I want to get the Jowett back on the road,,sorned 3 yrs now, and she agreed ! What a woman...although I can see her weighing up the lounge when she thinks I'm not looking !

The joy of classics - b308
Mmm, not in the same league as you two, but the Maxi went to its first rally last week (the Pride of Longbridge) and this weekend we're helping celebrate the Maxi's 40th birthday! Off to Gaydon at about half ten!!
The joy of classics - perro
Yes! you can't beat being behind the wheel of a classic, motoring down a country lane on a fine day with sultans of swing playing on the Radiomobil.
I've been fortunate to have driven all those cars on the website at some time.
What a great car you have WP, I well remember driving that British classic as well - luvly 6 cyl engine & twin Strombergs or sometimes S.U's I preferred it to the bigger Mrk 2 ... I've even worked on the 2.5 PI, but that's another story !!!
Todays cars are mostly boring (IMO) compared to the 'real' cars of yesteryear!
The joy of classics - Martin Devon
(1968 Triumph 2000 mk 1 auto) doesn't really need much doing I can't wait.

One of my favourite cars of all time. Envy.

The joy of classics - mike hannon
Since moving to France I've divested myself (or been divested) of my three (and a half if you count the Legend coupe) classics and had severe withdrawal pains ever since.
After years I still haven't managed quite to buy something nice in the UK and bring it over here and only a nutter would now buy with pounds in the Eurozone, let alone risk the pitfalls of French 'restoration' work.
How I miss summer Sundays and the burble of a V8...
The joy of classics - perro
How I miss summer Sundays and the burble of a V8...

Perhaps that is the answer to todays family hatches - stick in a Rover V8 engine, lower the suspension, fit wide wheels and have it sprayed pearlescent purple (hehe!), trouble is - only a Politician could afford to run it (or a Dentist)
The joy of classics - Westpig
One of my favourite cars of all time. Envy.

she started her life down your way Martin...reg no is *DV***G, absolutely immaculate in a dark maroon colour, with beige leather

I bought the old girl originally as an MOT run about in 1990, as i was saving for a deposit to move from a London flat to a house, had very little cash flow and didn't like my then current wheels (1983 Escort XR3i), so decided to downgrade and save some money

ex girlfriend's brother was a Ford car salesman in a Westcountry main dealer, he'd taken it in p-ex against a new Sierra Ghia

i ran it for 10 months with the proviso that if she passed the MOT i'd keep a bit longer.. she did.. and has done ever since. In my second year of ownership I decided i was too attached, so would have to keep for all time. It's amazing how many people in a disinterested city will stop and speak to you when you're cleaning/polishing/generally fiddling with it...and it's not just men interested in cars either.
The joy of classics - bell boy
oh the joy

of rust
noises that make you kick the wheels
unusual clunks on corners
the hourly checking of engine oil
the minute checking of all guages as you drive on that sojourn to scarborough
the feeling of panic as you round a bend more tighter than you remembered it in your bottom clinching way
looking for smoke on the overun
hoping the valves wont mind the modern petrol because you are sure it pinked just then
did i mention the brakes with no servo
did i mention the poor wipers

sorry welded enough classics to view from afar these days----------

old hack reporting from a modern car with mp3 player and air con and decent engine/transmission/brakes
The joy of classics - Westpig
most of them fair points bell boy....but think about a nice sunny day, the birds singing, the joy to be alive.........and a member of the AA!

seriously though, with decent preventative maintenance, realistic budget and realistic journey lenghts, you can iron out most of it....and i'm not much 'hands on' either
The joy of classics - mike hannon
Yeah, OK to all that bell boy.
But nothing beats the feeling that you are driving something that responds to you as an individual.
Years ago, when I had made good time in the old Mk II from Taunton to Minehead on the A358 - before it was infested with limits and cameras - and hung the tail out a bit, not to mention using the legendary 'dab of oppo' (thank you Troy Queef, c/o Sniffpetrol) I used to have a feeling of satisfaction that no modern car owner will get, let alone begin to understand.
I liked watching the oil pressure, whether it was the Daimler or Rover V8s, neither of which had very much, or the Lancia where it used to drop back going over the same motorway bridge every time.
I guess old cars are about not just visual and - even sensual - satisfaction, but also dealing positively with challenges!
My junior reporters - female - would fall about with laughing when I used to go out in the P6B on a job and come back and tell them that driving it was better than sex... ;-)
The joy of classics - perro
>>>>>and tell them that driving it was better than sex... ;-)<<<<<

You couldn't have been doing it right (hehe!)
I like my Almera 1.8 SE with auto-trans, the power steering, the air-con, elec windows/mirrors CD player and most of all - the utter reliability combined with good fuel economy but ... nothing beats (not even that!) driving a classic on a fine summer's day on the 'open' road, and oh! the smell of Connolly leather :)
I used to work on all these 'classics' and they were not soooooo bad ... apart from the Stag of course!!