Hi i have a small problem with my 89 ford escort! I was hoping someone would have the answer to my problem. Ok here's the story. my car was running fine and doing good when it all the suddon shut off and when i tried to start it again i noticed it wasn't getting gas i also noticed smoke was coming from the injector wiring plug and still no gas going into the throttle bodie but i observed there was plenty of gas going to the injector just not coming out. can anyone help me?
Ask this question in the technical section you. Lots of technical backroomers read the technical section. You will probably get a reply.
Doh! This is the technical section!
It is now, Godfrey. It was in the Classified section before!
I had this problem with my 87 escort, I was going down the road when all of a sudden I lost all power and then it just died on me.
It took me hours to find the problem.
Check to make sure there is a spark coming through the spark plugs, if there is no spark, you will most probably find it is the amplifier that sits on the distributer.
This goes about every 25.000 miles, they cost around £25 quid from your local shop. it is not very difficult to change.