Wotta Lotta Mota ... - perro
This isn't mine, I don't sell cars and I have no connection with the car or the seller but - Wotta Lotta Mota! www.myvolvos60.co.uk/
Wotta Lotta Mota ... - boxsterboy
I can't see the price?
Wotta Lotta Mota ... - DP
£3.5k tops if that mileage is genuine and it's straight.

I like the lighter dash in this one. On mine (maya gold), the entire dash is the same colour as the instrument surround on this one. It's a little gloomy. Can happily live without the leather too, although the extra 70 bhp this one has over mine would be nice, if not the fuel bills that go with it!

My S60 has nearly 100,000 miles more than this one on the same year! :-) Doesn't look significantly more worn though. These really are lovely cars.

Something keeps catching my eye relating to the offside front wing on this car, although I don't know if it's just the lighting.

Wotta Lotta Mota ... - perro
He,s asking 3750 for it in my local paper, what I call a 'Mans Car' reminds me of my Jag's, Rover's and Volvo 240's in the 80's ... I'd better go and wash my Almera!!
Wotta Lotta Mota ... - TheOilBurner
3750 once it's been serviced (not dash display...) and with a full MOT. I think DP is closer to the mark.
Wotta Lotta Mota ... - madf
It's just another old buffer's Volvo..

(I'll get my coat)
Wotta Lotta Mota ... - Pugugly
Must be genuine a Radio 4 listener. But if he was a genuine R4 fan he'd write "Man's Car"
Wotta Lotta Mota ... - perro
>>> But if he was a genuine R4 fan he'd write "Man's Car" <<<

I was thinking more on the lines of Le 24hr race mon ami ;)
Wotta Lotta Mota ... - Chris White
I'm not too keen on the colour (I really don't like burgundy but then I suppose some people love it). I'm guessing it needs to be serviced and if I've got my intervals right it will need a cambelt change this year as well.

I'm not sure about having the Geartronic gearbox as the car gets older.

£3500 sounds right, but I'd insist on a new MoT!

Edited by Chris White on 17/04/2009 at 18:12

Wotta Lotta Mota ... - Alby Back
I used to hate burgundy but I've recently started to like it. Might be an age thing.....

Also quite like Volvos too...oh dear......

American airmen used to call B52s "buffs" Big Ugly Fat somethings apparently.....
Wotta Lotta Mota ... - El Hacko
like burgundy? know what you mean ... perhaps the colour conjures up fine wine-like image and quality, Humph
Wotta Lotta Mota ... - Alby Back
Maybe you're right, not sure why I seem to like it recently. Every car I've had in recent times has been silver, grey, black or navy blue. Silver wears dirt well so that seems to suit me best.

I think certain cars and even brands suit certain colours. For example the Volvo in the OP looks OK in burgundy. Somehow it suits the brand. Jags look good in it too for some reason
Wotta Lotta Mota ... - SpamCan61 {P}
The coolant level in the header tank looks rather low, or is that the right level on one of these?
Wotta Lotta Mota ... - DP
The coolant level in the header tank looks rather low or is that the right
level on one of these?

No that's the right level. Mine caught my eye when I first looked at it too.
Wotta Lotta Mota ... - Bill Payer
I'm not sure about having the Geartronic gearbox as the car gets older.

It's just a plain ordinary auto box, isn't it? And Japanese made.
Wotta Lotta Mota ... - bell boy
wow free advertising on hj and heres me paying autotrader
maybe i will put radio 3 on my radio
and a pipe on the parcel shelf with the tarton rug

is it april 1st then?

Edited by rtj70 on 17/04/2009 at 21:37