Old Granada, fantastic motoring-related video.... - stevied
Has anyone seen the Doves' video for the song "Kingdom of Rust"? It's great. It's a brooding young indie type feller-me-lad driving his blue 1980s Granada through some cracking North-West/North scenery. Unashamed angst-ridden Northern schmaltz. I keep changing my mind on where he drives to/from, you can clearly see the sign for M61 Wigan/Preston on one bit, and in another part it looks like the Congleton to Buxton Road, but it could be Saddleworth, or Huddersfield, or Glossop.... anyone got any ideas, or better anyone actually know?
Old Granada, fantastic motoring-related video.... - maz64
Has anyone seen the Doves' video for the song "Kingdom of Rust"?

Old Granada, fantastic motoring-related video.... - jdc
Cracking song and a great video too.

A comment on the Youtube link says this was in Bolton - I wouldn't disagree about the early street shots and the footy being played, but the motorway scene is definitely the M62 going out from Rochdale over Blackstone Edge towards Saddleworth.

You can clearly see Windy Hill telecoms mast which I know well.

He bridge he is standing on is part of the Pennien Way and it crosses the M62 at virtually it's highest point.

The other road scenes after this are on the A62 between Huddersfield and Rochdale.


Old Granada, fantastic motoring-related video.... - stevied
Ah, it's that bridge is it? The one you can get to by going along the reservoir and up by the famous farm (the one that splits the motorway as he wouldn't sell it, so there is the amusing sheep tunnels...)? It's scary up there. Fine view though.
Old Granada, fantastic motoring-related video.... - jdc
Ah it's that bridge is it?

Yep, that's the one.

And I should have said "Pennine Way" - there is no Pennien Way as far as I know although it is quite a nice name ....!


Old Granada, fantastic motoring-related video.... - Stuartli
Long way round to Blackpool...:-)

IIRC the bridge at the highest point on the way to Junction 23 is a footbridge and built because local ramblers (including the then Transport Minister) would have had their walking routes cut off.
Old Granada, fantastic motoring-related video.... - v8man
I used to have a 1979 2.8 Ghia Granny that shape. Lovely car in it's day.
Old Granada, fantastic motoring-related video.... - Lud
I am too old to find the song anything but bland. I am too old to be excited by a 2 litre Granada. However I am old enough to recognise that the one in the video seems a decent example.
Old Granada, fantastic motoring-related video.... - stevied
On the probably not at all exciting except to me tip, here's the Cain Dingle stylee BMW 5 series in Coldplay's 'The Scientist' video....


This one finishes off in better nick than at the start due to the wonders of technology...
Old Granada, fantastic motoring-related video.... - Lud
No offence to stevied or any other person not even verging on middle age, but how can you listen to this doleful narcissistic carp?

Good mainstream popular music used to exist, but it doesn't seem to any more. Call me names by all means, but that's what I think.

Edited by Lud on 14/04/2009 at 17:29

Old Granada, fantastic motoring-related video.... - maz64
No offence to stevied or any other person not even verging on middle age but
how can you listen to this doleful narcissistic carp?

I like it - nice minor key, sweeping strings, quite atmospheric even without the video. Reminds me a bit of 'Driving away from home' by It's Immaterial, which also had a good feel but when I looked up the video just now it was a bit of a disappointment.
Old Granada, fantastic motoring-related video.... - boxsterboy
In the early '80s my then girlfriend's dad was manager of a Ford dealership (Brew Bros in Kensington) and his company motor was a Granada Ghia X 2.8i. He let me drive it. Once!

Lovely motor! And surprisingly quick (but then my wheels at the time was a 954cc Peugeot 104!)
Old Granada, fantastic motoring-related video.... - stevied
I am very much verging on middle age, Lud, just in total denial.... I agree re Coldplay... I am not a huge fan, too bland for me, and too middle of the road. I just like that video! Doves I do like though... but that doesn't mean I will call you names!!!

Dance, indie, classical... I like them all. Except urban, which does to me what I suspect Coldplay and the like does to Lud. Soulless mock-gangster (or gangsta) macho posturing, "I'm off to make trouble for the establishment" nonsense. IMHO. : )

Er, motoring connection... has anyone seen the Snoop Dogg video with the RR Phantom and the woman who obviously cannot afford any clothes? It's, er, arresting. The ultimate ing car I think!
Old Granada, fantastic motoring-related video.... - bell boy
the video shows home moss
also the farm in the middle of the m62
that big bridge near the yorkshire/lancashire border,anyone else stood on this and looked down? there is a walk down the side of the bridge down to the resevoir,ive slid down there on me bum one cold fosty morning,it was quite scary
mk2 grandad,best car ford ever built, especially with the 2.8 injection,only thing is you couldnt keep up with its fuel consumption when you were booting it everywhere

oh and the song was ok