04 2.2 esp motor failure - jta
Hi all.
My C5 HDi Estate 136bhp diesel, went into LOS yesterday, the message I saw on the screen was esp motor failure.
Can anybody direct me to what I should be looking for please?
I have looked through the previous threads, they all assume I know where various parts are located on the car, I don't.
I don't know if it's related but I had the brake warning light (ABS warning) come on at the same time.
Thanks for any tips you might be able to pass on.
04 2.2 esp motor failure - Rattle
Have you checked for a fuse/relay? I don't know anything about this car but there may be an electrical fault which has caused a fuse to blow.
04 2.2 esp motor failure - bell boy
do citroens have fuses?they are usually well hidden from view to the point of you cant normally get to them at all at all
as for the car having esp surely it can tell you itself or is it about to tell you something that might go wrong in the future
i knew citroen were advanced but thats brilliant

ps havent a clue but probably a wheel senser or something
04 2.2 esp motor failure - jta
Hi Rattle. Spot on mate. That was the first thing I thought of too. So when the rain stopped this morning, (It was piddling down yesterday) I dug into it.
The problem turned out to be a 20a miniblade fuse blown, No. 4 in the fuse box behind the battery. I've replace that and roadtested and it all seems A1 now, the abs light is out as well, guess they must run off the same fuse?
I really miss the old Moggie 1000's, all we needed for them was a hammer and chisel.
Bellboy, thanks for your input.