Forgot MoT!! - Bromptonaut
Left work lunchtime Friday, allowing time to visit friends in N Wales. Packed bags then checked car's fluids etc. Closed bonnet and noticed that tax disc expired 31/03/09!!. Can't renew on line as MoT expired same day!!

Panic call to dealer for appointment ends in arrangement to "bring it down now"! Less than an hour later I'm away with a fresh MoT. Stop at the local post office and pick up tax disc - legal again.

Fullsome thanks to local Cit repair shop, Gerald White at Kislingbury Northants, and to Bugbrooke PO for digging me out of a hole of my own making!
Forgot MoT!! - Rattle
I would love to have a car that would pass an MOT just like that :).

Forgot MoT!! - gordonbennet
Strewth Brompton, know that panic feeling well, did it meself a few years ago at a bad time.

Glad it went through OK, and handy to know about GW's at Kislingbury, last time i went there was to collect an MAN truck from service.
Forgot MoT!! - rtj70
Even though it will cost a little more 1 , a reason to have MOT and Tax due on different dates. Preferably a little while apart.

1 I only say cost more if you have to pay tax for only 6 months to get them out of sync. My wife's car is out of sync due to build date and when it was bought with only 2 miles on the clock.

Edited by rtj70 on 06/04/2009 at 23:03

Forgot MoT!! - martint123
If you have them on different dates then there is twice the chance of forgetting one.

I just scrawl on the kitchen calendar the date, on month in advance, of the MOT.
The tax can now be paid just 5 days into the month, so all is easy.

Rattle, my 20 year old MX5 sailed though last week. You should be keeping your car in roadworthy condition and it should also sail through. If it doesn't then you have failed somewhere in it's maintainance, either by yourself or offloading it to a garage.
Forgot MoT!! - Alby Back
The garage where I get my cars fettled sends me a reminder a month before MOTs are due.
Forgot MoT!! - rtj70
But having them out of sync means it is not such a panic. It's obviously a good idea to have the dates on a calendar too but you at least get reminder for the tax - I wonder why the OP didn't react to that?
Forgot MoT!! - Rattle
He may not have recieved it, its happened to a few people then they blame the DVLA for not sending out the reminder, even though the DVLA are not under any legal obligation to do it.
Forgot MoT!! - Bromptonaut
Got the reminder for the tax. Got nagged by SWMBO obeyed about it too, but determined to leave it untiil it got paid out of March salary.

Suspect I got a reminder about the MoT as well, in plenty of time for the 13 month concession; forgot that as well!
Forgot MoT!! - Rattle
It just seems to be happening a lot lately, maybe people are too worried about their jobs to be thinking about when their MOT is due.
Forgot MoT!! - rtj70
I would do the same knowing you can leave it until the last minute ;-) But I'd have got the tax before the MOT ran out.

I put all my diary entries in Outlook on my work laptop which synchronises back to my phone (and vice versa). I never did look at calendars and diaries.

All sorted for Bromptonaut... moral is record somewhere the date in needs sorting by.
Forgot MoT!! - commerdriver
But I'd have got the tax before the MOT ran out.

I might be wrong but I don't think you can renew the tax if the MOT will not be valid when the tax starts
Forgot MoT!! - martint123
I might be wrong but I don't think you can renew the tax if the MOT will not be valid when the tax starts

That's right. When I got my car, I let the MOT expire (and kept car off road) until the 1st of the month so that it covered taxing it in the previous month.