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Gawd help us...
Saw some yesterday, as it happens.
Some street hawker was flogging them ...
No problem!! How many d'you want? Dalmatians, Alsatians or we've just got a nice Rottweiler model in today. Got 'em in every street market here. While you're at it, sir, how about a set of those hands that stick on your boot lid to denote someone inside, or perhaps a bullethole for your windshield? If you're serious about authenticity, this is of course the Philippines and we can get you a real one of those if you like.
But, no, I can see you're a man of discernment and taste, so here's just the thing for you. (Pulls out 10" tall gorilla with menacing expression for mounting on rear shelf, with wiring loom to connect its red eyes to the brake lights........)
Weren't those "waving hands" banned after an old lady walked out infront of a truck, thinking the driver had waived her on?
SVPworld (incorporating PSRworld)
You also still see really faded comic relief car noses. I guess some people are really proud of the fact that they gave to charity 10 years ago.
Did I leave my lights on?
I would love to show you a Filipino "bulaloy". This is a homemade copy of a small jeep festooned with coloured lights and spotlights. One down my street boasts eighteen, count 'em 18, red spotlights on the roof, the front and the wings plus one each side on a swivel manipulated by the driver and passanger.