Opinions? Is this Real or Fake - uk_in_usa
A guy buys a car and finds inside a pictorial history of how it's been welded back together from scratch


Opinions? Is this Real or Fake - Lud
What do you mean, 'fake'? Just a few shots from the A3 production line on an ordinary busy day.

Very smart motor.
Opinions? Is this Real or Fake - Mr X
I wish the cowboys who repaired my old Audi had done as good a job.
Opinions? Is this Real or Fake - Mapmaker
You poor darling. Something must have gone right for you once upon a time. Surely?
Opinions? Is this Real or Fake - FotheringtonThomas
Can't see similar on "Snopes" - send it in!

Given the rather excessive amount of dismantling, I'd say "Fake!".
Opinions? Is this Real or Fake - Rattle
I think the story is fake but I think the pics do show a cut and shut being made. The weld line seems very nasty and you can clearly see in an accident it will be a major weak spot.
Opinions? Is this Real or Fake - pmh2
From the same russian site (make sure that your virus protection is uptodate!).


Anybody like to suggest what is really going on?

(Oilrag this is for you!)

Opinions? Is this Real or Fake - oilrag
I`m still too jetlagged...fighting to stay awake, feels like 4.00AM... zzz

Edited by oilrag on 16/03/2009 at 19:43

Opinions? Is this Real or Fake - welshlad
its one of those new 3-D jigsaws £9.99 at toys r us :-)
Opinions? Is this Real or Fake - rtj70
Interesting ad by Crown Oil on that site. For Red Diesel. Which is legit but interesting they advertise on there.

I hope the original story is a fake!
Opinions? Is this Real or Fake - L'escargot
I think it's probably real. The seller just had a weird sense of humour in wanting the buyer to know the history of the car.

Edited by L'escargot on 17/03/2009 at 07:01

Opinions? Is this Real or Fake - uk_in_usa
I think it's probably real. The seller just had a weird sense of humour in
wanting the buyer to know the history of the car.

I thought it was real too. I have often been amazed by how a bodyshop can turn a number of disparate chunks of metal into a car.