Astra 1.4 Merit Estate '92 - Reverse lights not working.
Dont know much about cars but have checked the fuses = fine, checked the bulbs = fine and apparently the reverse lights work off the same fuse as the cigarette lighter which works fine. Could it be the contact/switch that must be pressed when reverse is engaged? If so, where do I find this and can it be changed/checked easily? Any other suggestions?
Whilst on the subject of my Astra, the driver's door makes annoying creaking noises when driving over bumps. Seems to be coming from the hinge/pillar area. Know of anything around that area that could be causing this?
Astra 1.4 Merit Estate '92 - Reverse lights not working. Could it be the contact/switch that must be pressed when reverse is engaged? If so, where do I find this....
Its' screwed into the gearbox. Should be easy to spot. Its got a couple of wires coming from it.
I have had this problem on my 98 Vectra twice, Vx electrial connectors are c r a p, there is little to go wrong with the switch on the gearbox. I can't comment on the location on a 92 Astra but on my car it is on top of the gearbox, hard to see it past the battery. The connector is quite awkward to get off, but when off can be lifted clear and examined quite easily. If you take a piece of solid core wire (or a paper clip) you can short out the two contacts on the connector, then turn on your ignition and the reverse lights should light, proving the wiring, fuse and bulbs are all ok. Then put the car into reverse and use a multimeter across the terminals of the switch (might be better to take switch out and operate it by hand, but due to the electrical connection on top of the switch, you cannot get a socket on to it and it is quite awkward to get at with a spanner) When in reverse the switch should be closed i.e. no resistance and when out of reverse it should be open i.e. infinate resistance, this proves the switch is ok. Therefore it is the connector. I was able to improve the performane of the connector but giving the pins on the switch a slight bend and twist therfore imporving contact. This lasted about 8 months before I had to do it again. I guess if it happens again I may look into getting a new connector crimped onto the loom, but I doubt if the replacement will be much better!!
I had a lucky escape when they broke last time, I was reveseing out of a parking space at B&Q and as there was no reversing lights on the bloke in the opposite space nearly reversed into me!! I guess that would have been my fault!! Hope this helps, good luck
Cheers Big Vern, I think i'll be having a look at that this weekend so i'll let you know.
Anyone have any thoughts on the door noise? Someone has suggested to me today that it may be the suspension?
Murray -
just a word of warning
I had this problem on my VW polo, so I took out the switch from the gearbox - unfortunately, it was below the level of the filler plug, and half the gearbox oil drained out !
might not be like that on the astra, but you have been warned !
when you've got tired of driving ...