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Avensis wind noise - jorash
I have a new Avensis which suffers from terrible wind noise at high speed and which seems to come from the top of the windscreen. I have previously had an Avensis on hire and don't remember this problem. Does anyone have any experience of this or any advice as to the cause and remedy ?
Avensis wind noise - Cyd
Two alternative methods: both require a stethoscope (you can get one from ELC for about £4 - pull the listener off the end so you have a cut tube end)

1. whilst someone else drives move the end of the stethoscope around the door seals, windscreen edge etc etc. You will hear the wind rushing in when the tube is over the spot.

2. Close the car up completely with the stereo on so you can just hear it from outside the car at about 6 feet away. Move the end of the 'scope around the door seals, windscreen edge etc etc. If there's any holes you'll here the music through the 'scope when the tube is over it.

Used to use method 1 driving problem cars around Rovers Gaydon test track using a 'scope with a 3 foot tube. It's a very effective method.
Avensis wind noise - jorash
Thanks for the tip. I'll try HJ's tape method first and if that fails have a go with the 'scope. Sorry but i don't know who ELC are.
Avensis wind noise - Cyd
ELC = Early Learning Centre
Avensis wind noise - lezebre
Looks like our leader HJ has been trumped on this one jorash.

That Cyd! His decisions in the industry must affect £multi-million sums, and he advocates buying instruments from a toyshop!