Driver does handbrake turn on mway - TimOrridge
Saw this on Calendar earlier, Speechless!

Link made tiny, Rob

Edited by rtj70 on 09/02/2009 at 21:45

Driver does handbrake turn on mway - component part
How the hell did he manage to avoid a prison sentence after repeatedly punching a police officer in the face and the driving? The judge was only going to give him 6 months suspended anyway, but didn't even give him that because he now has a job to start in Ireland. Outrageous.
Driver does handbrake turn on mway - doctorchris
I presume that his job in Ireland was as a stunt driver or in rallying!
The punches to the police officer's face were obviously only stunt punches that failed to do any harm.
Driver does handbrake turn on mway - FocusDriver
Give that man a slap on the wrist. Oh look, that's exactly what they've done. That'll teach him.
Driver does handbrake turn on mway - Westpig
Just when you've seen or heard it all....something else comes along to shock/surprise you.

Why oh why isn't this man sat in clink.

Motorways are exceptionally dangerous places, hand brake turns in front of approaching traffic, then grappling with and punching a police officer, all at a time of great danger from passing traffic.

what on earth was the Judge thinking of. Our Criminal Justice System really has gone down the pan.
Driver does handbrake turn on mway - FotheringtonThomas
what on earth was the Judge thinking of. Our Criminal Justice System really has gone
down the pan.

Could the prosecution appeal against the given penalty?
Driver does handbrake turn on mway - b308
I'd have thought so, aren't they appealing against the leaniency of the sentance of that texting/phoning driver that killed someone recently?

Edited by b308 on 10/02/2009 at 13:54

Driver does handbrake turn on mway - BobbyG
As I said in a thread recently, there was recently a court case up here in Scotland where the Sheriff admonished the criminal rather than give him Community Service as he thought by doing that he would end up mixing with other criminals and might fall into a life of crime!!

You just couldn't make it up!

And another one last week whereby a victim of rape and abuse was remanded overnight because she kept breaking down in court giving evidence and either once or twice tried running out of the court. That is now the subject of a high level investigation.

Not wanting to comment on either of these other than to say that I have every bit of sympathy with our Police who do everything in their power but the courts then let them down.
Driver does handbrake turn on mway - b308
The problem seems to be where would we put them if we sent them to jail... there isn't the room! But isn't the "current way" not to jail them but let them out to re-offend.... sorry, I meant make ammends for their misdemeners by doing some sort of "service" to the community...?

If its frustrating for us seeing these toerags getting off then it must be doubly so for the Police!
Driver does handbrake turn on mway - Enoughalready
I know somebody that was put in jail for obtaining credit while he was bankrupt. They had room for him so I guess that must be a worse offence than risking others lives and beating up a copper. Must be frustrating being in the police force these days.
Driver does handbrake turn on mway - mss1tw
I just want to know why he felt the need to hand brake turn it with three lanes to do a turn in. Moron.