HPI Check Advice - Pompey Mike
Hi there

I have looked at buying a used car. When I looked at the V5 document it said "vehicle registration mark non-transferable."
I have now done an HPI check which comes up fine, but says that the VRM is no longer on this vehicle, though the description matches up.

Any thoughts on whether this could be something dodgy?

HPI Check Advice - csgmart
It's possible that the vehicle you are buying is a car that originally had a "cherished" number plate. This may have been sold by one of the previous owners and a new "cherished" number plate allocated - this one being non transferable.

I know this is possible as my BIL had an old Land Rover and he couldn't transfer the plate off it for the above reasons.
HPI Check Advice - martint123
ISTR that if a vehicle s given an "age related plate" by the DVLA i.e. that is either wasn't given one or has "lost" it when first registered, then these age related plates cannot be transferred.

Old cars and bikes imported from sunny California end up with plates like this.
HPI Check Advice - Andrew-T
>Old cars and bikes imported ..

I once bought a Mini from an Irishman in Liverpool (don't ask) which had been re-reg'd with an appropriate age-related English plate V...VLV . Might yours have been imported?
HPI Check Advice - freddy1
having just done this , can I explain.

I placed a private No plate on one of my bikes a few yrs ago , when I removed the private plate to sell it (the plate) I was given back the bikes origional No plate , this is marked as NON transferable , ie I cannot sell the old plate off , I can however fit another "private plate" if I wish,

wherever possible the DVLA tries to put the origional plate back on the vehicle , if not they will issue an age related plate.

there is a reason for the non transferable thing,

ie J Bloggs has a 1955 car , he sells the old plate @ £xk , dvla give him a new age related plate ,,,,he then sells that for £xk ,,,,and on and on

HPI Check Advice - 1400ted
I have moped with a non-transferable plate. However, this is the original plate for the bike, not one which has been issued by DVLA. The bike was a ' barn find' and the previous owner applied for the original number to be registered, showing proof...an old tax disc and the original front and rear number plates. I don't think it should be 'non-transferable' in these circumstances. I would dearly like to get the number off, not for any thoughts of selling it, but to put on my road bike, after all, it is my name and 3 numbers.
HPI Check Advice - freddy1
ted , this was the reason in was done like that! people would be making vast amounts of money ,,,,instead of the DVLA
HPI Check Advice - 1400ted
ted this was the reason in was done like that! people would be making vast
amounts of money instead of the DVLA

Absolutely correct. But they can't sell this number, it's mine. So it seems a bit petulant to deny the owner use of it........and i don't even want to sell it !
HPI Check Advice - Andrew-T
>It is my name and 3 numbers

TED from Warrington, then?
HPI Check Advice - 1400ted
South Manchester...not too far from ED registration area The 3 numbers are a model of Porsche. So ....I need to find a Ted with that model Porsche who wants the plate and has the money...valued by pal in Number plate trade at £15,000 if transferable and all these elements are there....unlikely !Ted
HPI Check Advice - freddy1
come on , make your mind up?

Absolutely correct. But they can't sell this number, it's mine. So it seems a bit petulant to deny the owner use of it........and i don't even want to sell it !

then you say

So ....I need to find a Ted with that model Porsche who wants the plate and has the money...

right , so if the plate was transferable , you would sell or not?

then they replace it by another dated but rare no ,,,and you sell that,

then they replace it by another dated but rare no ,,,and you sell that,

then they replace it by another dated but rare no ,,,and you sell that,

for ever and ever,

now you know ehy they have made them un transferable,

PS: you do NOT own the number , the DVLA own it , and can ask for it back at any time , or revoke it

HPI Check Advice - Pompey Mike
Going back to the original query, HPI check was out of date. Like you say the original plate had been put back on and the HPI check not updated.