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Speeds in London - BrianW
Today's Evening Standard headlines the fact that the average speed of traffic in central London has come down to an average of 3 (yes THREE) miles per hour which they blame on road works and rephased traffic lights.

Highest is 4.1 mph, lowest is 1.6 mph.

Looks like with that and Red Ken's bus lanes we are on target for total standstill soon.
Speeds in London - Dwight Van Driver
Time to go back to the horse and carriage and have a garden of prize roses?

Speeds in London - Bromptonaut
No tube strike this week so the Standard has to fall back on another dependable, with the added bonus of a Red Ken bashing link.

In all seriousness looks more like a survey of a few major thoroughfares Haymarket, Strand, Holborn etc than a the trumpeted Central London average.

Details on the Standard website at www.thisislondon.com.