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new scam ? - crazed

New scam reported in top gear

Guy gets paid to reposes a car by finance company

Swaps the alloys for steel wheels
Rips out the stereo
Pours oil over the engine
Messes with HT leads to cause a misfire

Puts car through auction
He buys the car himself, or gets a friend to do so

Takes it home

Steam cleans engine
Puts HT leads back
Replaces wheels/stereo

And sells it on at a nice big profit

Finance company don’t care
Looser is person car was reposed from as price made at auction is taken from his final bill
new scam ? - THe Growler
He must be a Filipino.
new scam ? - Cyd
Surely one of the most powerful arguements for borrowing the money from the bank as a personal loan rather than taking HP.
new scam ? - Thommo

Do Phillipino chauffeurs do the parts swap thing? That is get bought nice shiny car by employer, have the thing stripped and all the good new parts removed and sold and replaced with the cheapest (usaully chinese) pattern parts available. Car then continually breaks down and needs repairing (don't worry sir, my brother owns a garage...)?

Very popular in Egypt last time I was there.
new scam ? - Toad, of Toad Hall.
I'm thinking about it and I'm not even sure if, apart from the wheels, it's illegal?

Parp, Parp!
Note: All Toad posts come with an implied smiley.