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Overheating punto - Louise
I've got a 1997 Fiat Punto TDSX. A couple of years ago it overheated and needed a new engine. Since then the engine seems to be really hot all the time. The temp gauge is usually at the three quarter mark if not higher, it goes up really sharply whenever the engine has to work hard, it goes down slightly when the heaters are on full blast. I've taken it to fiat specialists and other garages who can find nothing wrong with it, the cooling system has been flushed and they say the fan cuts in at the right temperature. Any ideas what could be making it so hot? Or is it nothing to worry about?
Overheating punto - Highland Idler
Louise: I don't wish to sound like asking the obvious but is the engine actually too hot or is it just the temp. guage showing a high reading. I've met several devices (cars, central heating systems.. this computer.. which says internally it is at .. 15deg C when the room is at 22deg.. ) where the indicated temp is different from reality.

My (2nd) ex-wife's Polo regularly had a "high temp." warning light come on but if you (carefully) checked under the bonnet the engine felt quite normal and an independent check with a "known" temp. sender showed normal temperatures. It wasn't worth fixing the warning light on such an old motor.

Conversely the loan Peugeot Ar**** C***** let me have when my car was in for break-in repairs had a defective high temp. sensor for the "overheating" fan, so that failed to cut in at all and one needed to put the heater on full blast in traffic. Still, what do you expect from a franchised garage that pays mechanics as little as possible ;-)

Yours aye.

Apologies in advance if you've been round that one already...

Overheating punto - Armitage Shanks{P}
Apart from the fact that the temperature sensor in the engine may be wrong or the gauge might over read as a matter of course, it could also be a header tank cap with the wrong pressure setting or a faulty thermostat. If you can't live with the problem, and bearing in mind that you have one engine wrecked I can see your point, the cheapest first try would be to change the temperature sensor in the engine block IMHO.
Overheating punto - Cyd
Also try putting in a cooler running thermostat. Get one 8 or 10 degrees cooler than the one in there. 88 deg is usual - get an 80.

Your local motor factor should be able to help you if the fiat garage won't play ball.