I own a renault laguna RN model and I have had the front seat interior become detached several times due to the top fixing holding the cradle to the frame snapping suddenly under even moderate pressure. Renault's answer is to sell me a complete new seat cradle at over £120 when all I needed was a thin piece of purpose moulded wire rod about 3 in long. I bought a scrap seat after checking that the top fixings were still intact and replaced the rod. When that broke I used the second one. That too broke. The fixings on this model are very flimsy and do not have the springing that the higher spec models have.
When the fixing breaks the seat becomes uncomfortable as the frame is then presses into your back.
Having run out of fixings I decided to try to be more inventive and came up with a solution that is cheap and effective using an everyday item. I took a standard giant sized paper clip (2-3 in) and with a pair of pliers bent it and cut it into the shape of the fixing rod. If both your rods are broken take one out of the passenger seat to use as a mould to copy and replace it after. The clip works perfectly and because it is slightly soft it gives a little and doesn't shear. Simple but effective and very very cheap. By the way the seat cover is easy to detach and lift up from underneath for this without removing the seat at all. Just remember to reinsert the rod through the metal rings in the seat cover to make the cover fit snugly again at the back. Hope somebody finds this useful.
Back in 1984, a friend of my parents entrusted me to look after their Renault (15?) whilst they were out of the country for a couple of months.
Imagine my surprise the first time I took it for a drive when the seat back collapsed, exactly as you descibe.
On their return, I mentioned the inicident('s' by then!), and was told, "Oh yes, it's always done that!"
A Renault trait?!
Almost certainly a Renault trait. It happened on a Renault 5 of mine.