It got you all looking didn't it?
I have a problem and wonder if any of you technical guys could help me out....
I recently had the 'misfortune' to have to replace the cambelt on my Audi A4 1.9 TDi
As some may know, it is an unenviable job which involves complete removal of the front panel/radiator etc.
Not something I really want to repeat.
This is where my problem lies. The poly-vee belt thread jogged my memory. I replaced the multi-rib poly-vee belt and the a/c drivebelt upon reassembly and all was well.
Oh, I also replaced both the cambelt and auxiliary belt tensioners.
But since doing this I have experienced an annoying noise; in short, it appears the auxiliary belt is slightly slack and (at idle) it makes a noise, which is very hard to explain.
It could be likened to a loose catalytic convertor mesh, which completely disappears when the revs are picked up off idle.
What I really need is a serpentine belt run diagram from an Autodata manual. I have the petrol one but nothing diesel. I know I should go out and buy one but I want to fix it ASAP.
Has anybody got a belt run diagram handy?
Failing that, has anybody got an A4 that I could have a pic of the belt, from the top?
The belt is the correct one (Genuine Audi) and I'm sure I refitted it correctly.
The car is a 1997 A4 TDi (1.9) with a/c
I'm loathed to go to a dealer and ask, too shy & feel stupid...
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Looked in my book, but it also only covers petrol engines, sorry.
I doubt you've got it wrong though, as there's only ever one way it works. Isn't it amazing, when you take it off, you're sure you know which way it goes back on. Then when it comes to it, your brain goes to mush. Ha, bit like shopping without a shopping list.
Can't help with the Audi But Dave N says that these things only work if fitted correctly. A mate of mine runs a Transit 2.5 DI and when his fan belt snapped and disappeared he decided that the new replacement belt was too long. After a few visits to the accessory shop to swap the belt, he eventually found one that he could fit. The belt was on for months with no problems but the fan and water pump were turning the wrong way. Didn't overheat though.
That's what I'm slightly worried about HJ - possible interference with the all-important cambelt and radiator, possibly.
I'll have to (a)Pluck up the courage and ask at an Audi dealer or (b)Buy a diesel info maunal, by Autodata.
Watch this space..
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