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Dent Repairs: Essex - BrianW
Due to a "Tesco Moment" the tailgate on my estate is warped in by about an inch in the centre with the result that the trim does not fit properly (the misalignment keeps breaking the clips).
There are no folds and it is not apparent visually, but the thing needs pulling out and it is starting to any me.
Can anyone recommend a static or mobile body bloke in central Essex who will not charge insurance job rates.
Dent Repairs: Essex - Adam Going (Tune-Up)
Bad luck Brian ! I have used Dent Magician at Small Dole in West Sussex (Tel: 01273 493299) and cannot recommend them highly enough. They have other branches, but I don't know about Essex. Give them a ring to find out.

HTH, Adam
Dent Repairs: Essex - BrianW
Thanks, Adam, I'll give them a ring.
BTW my post should have sais "beginning to annoy me." Finger trouble and not proof reading!
Dent Repairs: Essex - Daedalus

I usuallly use Ms wooord to compost my pusts and then smell chekc aND grammer check b4 posting in2 the forum. It seems tohelp with my inpot.

Dent Repairs: Essex - BrianW
I gave them a ring and said that you had recommended them, but they have no branches or contacts in Essex.
Thanks for the lead anyway, I'll try our local service guy for his recommendations, failing that there's always Yellow Pages.