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17 yr old\'s insurance - Bob the builder
Trying to get 17 yr old son insured on either the wife\'s 1.8 Focus or my 2.0 Carina. Best quotes so far (Tesco) are £1021 on Focus for wife & son and £1560 for me & son on Carina. Is this par for the course or do any of you out there know better ?
!7 yr old's insurance - cockle {P}
Unfortunately, Claret, I think you'll find it pretty much par for the course.
In the insurers eyes anyone of that age is a horrendous risk and they load accordingly, it also explains the reason why so many of the younger drivers don't have insurance. I would never, ever condone anyone driving without insurance but when you see these sort of figures quoted it explains an awful lot.
Good luck getting it lower, but I feel you're going to need it.
!7 yr old's insurance - John S
Yep, no surprise. Couple of years ago it cost me over £450 comprehensive for an 18 yo daughter on a Group 2 1.2 Corsa. Wouldn't even quote on a 2.0l Vectra.

Worth a few more calls, but it isn't going to be cheap. Check the excess they want too!


John S
!7 yr old's insurance - Richard Hall
Might be cheaper to get your son an old VW Polo or Fiesta and insure it third party only. At least if he bends it, your no claims discount won't suffer, and you won't be constantly pestered with requests to borrow your car for evenings and weekends.

Richard Hall
!7 yr old's insurance - P.Mason {P}
About three years ago we were trying to get our son(then 19) insured on a Renault 5, as we wanted him to start working towards a no claims bonus. Of several quotes, the best was about £950 for Third Party Fire and Theft (the worst was £1274)
Giving up on insuring him as an owner driver, I asked my insurers how much it would cost to add him to our policy as a named driver on my wife's Honda Civic. '£18.50 for the next ten months until renewal' came the answer.
He's been on the policy ever since, (no prangs!)
Might be worth a try, just to get your son on the road.
!7 yr old's insurance - Rob E

I'm 19, but when I turned 17 it cost next to nothing extra for me to be insured on my Dad's Carina 1.6. He's with CIS, with a policy including himself and any driver under 25 I think, which includes my brother therefore. When he converted to this from his original policy, there was very little increase in cost. Funnily enough, if we'd have done the same with me and my brother on my Mum's Peugeot 106, it would have made a big difference (but only because she's not been driving long.

Might be worth checking out??
Rob E
!7 yr old's insurance - Armitage Shanks {p}
Claret, if you can prove any connection with the Civil Service you might find that their brokers, Frizzell, can do you a nice deal. If not, you could tryLiverpool Victoria who Frizzell use and their quote might be good, even without the Civil Service discount
!7 yr old's insurance - smokie
Just insuring 17 yo on wife's 1.1 Fiesta. She has fully comp at c £220 and additional premium is c £200. Insurer is Direct Line. Funny that the insurance cost me a lot less but the lessons are much more than I'd expected (c £20 ph).

I looked at a few online quotes for daughter to be insured in her own right on the car, cheapest I found was c £850 TPF&T. Car is only worth double that...
17 yr old's insurance - Monaro
You are getting some fair quotes there. A couple of years ago (when I was 19) I was getting my first wheels, and for a approx £4k car the lowest I could fully comprehensively get was £2500. At the time Vauxhall were doing 2 years free insurance on sporty old style new Corsas and a the dealer offered a good deal, so for the cost of the 4 year old car plus two years insurance, I (with a bit of help form the parents) got a new Car. Wouldn't have chosen a Corsa otherwise but it has been a good car. And the policy is excellent - I can drive anything under it third party too. Handy when occasionally borrowing friends cars at uni.

Paul C
!7 yr old's insurance - RickyBoy
When learning I put my lad on the wife's 1.4 Polo as a named driver which put the premium up to £450 through Churchill. When on his own (1.1 Metro) I found CIS (Co-operative Insurance Services). to be the cheapest (£850) for 12-months TPF&T! I'm afraid you're just gonna have to bite the bullet on this one and take it on the chin?

There is, however, another way ?send him out untaxed/un-MOT'd/uninsured with the expectation of him receiving a max £200 fine if/when caught! As If we would...
!7 yr old's insurance - petergabbott
I go with Rob E on this one; try Co-operative Insurance. Have finally come out the other side of insuring 2 'lads' and Co-op came out reasonablest on any driver any age basis. Also got surprisingly good payout for car stolen/written when one of them in Birmingham with it. Boys have also had insurance in their own names in the meantime, Co-op again best. Good luck but it's gonna cost!

!7 yr old's insurance - Graham
A neighbours son wailed on about the unfair cost of insuring a Ford Fiasco. It nearly cost the same as the £1000 car. The following week he wrote it off. Bit of a lesson there for him I feel.
!7 yr old's insurance - Alan
Its Par for the course Im afraid. You would be better off getting rid of the focus and get a car in group 1or 2.
Things havn't changed much except for inflation. My first car cost more to insure than to buy.
!7 yr old's insurance - Ross D

If I where you I would try a Brokers like Adrian flux. Or herts(HIC??) insurance. They are specialists in insuring young drivers with large engines. Its defintley worth giving them a try. Play them off against each other to get an extra 20-30 quid off.

The first broker I was insured with at the age of 17 was collonade. They were fairly reasonable.

!7 yr old's insurance - terryb
When I was 17 the first company I insured with was Fire Auto and Marine. Very reasonable premium. Where are they when you need them?

Sorry, this will only be meaningful to those of a certain age!
!7 yr old's insurance - Dynamic Dave
Co-op came out reasonablest on any driver any age

Not in my case. This year they want £676 for my 18 month old 2.2 Vectra CD. I'm 34 BTW. Have shopped around all the other major companies and they all are quoting around the £500 figure. Going back to Direct Line. £487.
!7 yr old's insurance - lezebre
We found Elephant the cheapest for 18 year old son named driver on mother's mid range ins. gp. car.
Bear in mind that Elephant's prices are for 10 month's cover, but they were still the best quote.