3 mth wait for a new one ! - Halmer
made enquiry today and can't get one till mid December.

On the other hand I can I have the equivalent VW Golf within a few days.

Former must be selling well!
3 mth wait for a new one ! - Altea Ego
There has been a 3 month waiting list almost since it appeared.
< Ex RF, Ex TVM >
3 mth wait for a new one ! - rtj70
And they are starting to build them in Japan for the Japanese market due to the number being exported over there. Frees up mor for Europe.

A bit of a success compared to the Almera and Primera then.
3 mth wait for a new one ! - Avant
Someone will correct me if I'm wrong, but my impression is that when a new model is announced they start with an initial stock and see how well it sells - so that you get a gap after the initial stock is sold out.

If that's wrong and anyone in the trade is offended by that supposition, then the trade needs to work harder not to give that impression.

I was lucky to get one of the initlal stock of Mark V Golf estates: I was tempted to go for a factory order to get a sunroof, but this would have been "4-5 months as they are built in Mexico". Presumably because Mexicans take every other day off to dance on their hats.
3 mth wait for a new one ! - rtj70
"Sales of the Qashqai took Nissan by surprise. "

Nice surprise.
3 mth wait for a new one ! - johnny
They're quite distinctive looking, but I only recall having seen two of them on the road and I haven't noticed them featuring prominently on the Nissan forecourt in Southampton.>> "Sales of the Qashqai took Nissan by surprise. "
3 mth wait for a new one ! - johnny
They're quite distictive looking, but I only recall having seen two of them on the road and I haven't noticed them featuring prominently on the Nissan forecourt in Southampton. Wouldn't mind one though.
3 mth wait for a new one ! - rtj70
Seen quite a few near us. Maybe not seen on forecourts as they are selling fast with a waiting list.
3 mth wait for a new one ! - gmac
Sure the delay is not due to the ones being returned for fixes ?

To qualify the above statement see:

your wish came true and the bit you missed out has been edited in - PU