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Mini - Pugugly {P}
BM went in this morning (before being nearly side-swiped) for oil and filter change. Whilst I waited (an hour and a b***** half) they loaned me a Mini. What a cracking little motor - best thing since ready mixed semolina. I'm sure they gave me this knowing I'd be back for more. I recall HJ recently suggesting that a contributor should drive one before passing judgment about the hyperbole. Guess what, I may be tempted to take SWMBO
to have a look....she does moan that the Disco is a handful in town....The only condition really is that the Mini must be in the "right" colour. Some colours don't work.
MINI - Neil (C)
Quite often I have to travel up to the North West from my new base on the South Coast. On the way I regularly see convoys of MINIs heading for the aspriational everywhere.

By far the best colour I've seen is dark metallic grey coupled with black roof and mirrors.

The only concern is that the MINI's looks are so cartoonish there isn't another car out there that looks right next to it.
Mini - BrianW
I haven't driven one, but on the visial side I always recon that the wheels look too big for the body.