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Priority at Cross Roads - Stevie

Cross roads with the minor road running North ? South, major road East ? West.

On the minor road usually several cars queuing on both sides. Some cars want to turn right onto major road e.g. those heading North going East, those heading South go West.

Others simply want to cross over the main road e.g. continue heading South or North.


Some think that if they are just crossing the main road they have priority over those wanting to turn right. Some turning right disagree ? they believe that by joining the main road they have priority.

Where both want to turn right across each other, often both think they have priority.

I appreciate that the sensible solution is to take it in turns in a ?after you Claude? manner ? but life unfortunately is not like that. One timid driver can be stuck for several minutes while all those coming in the opposite direction did their thing. Like the lady I was behind tonight!!!!


Who has priority?

Asked my boss - who uses the same route. His view was that in the morning those heading North have priority, in the evening those heading South. Guess if he lives South or North of our workplace.
Re: Priority at Cross Roads - Tom Shaw
Steve, the cars turning right at the junction should give priority to those going straight across, as would be the case if they were waiting to turn into a side road and there was oncoming traffic. In the case of vehicles facing one and other where both were turning right, then if there was no room to turn nearside to nearside no one legally has priority. It is a case of being sensible and taking one's turn. As you point out, however, if one of those is unduly hesitant everyone else will tend to leave them to stew and just go when they can.
Re: Priority at Cross Roads - Trevor Potter
I LOVE the in the morning we do x . . . . . .
and in the evening we do y . . . . .

Re: Priority at Cross Roads - bob
does not the highway code provide the answer to this question as well? It's the same rule as crossing any junction with or without traffic lights. Priority to oncoming traffic (east/west or north/south) then pass nearside to nearside or offside to offside depending on the exact layout of the road for those turning.
Slightly more difficult without traffic lights because of the need to watch out for the east/west traffic but the north/south is straight forward assuming both drivers know and follow the highway code. In reality of course, some drivers just bully theie way across and others are too nervous to move.
Re: Priority at Cross Roads - Dwight Van Driver.
Just bligthly make a turn at speed and without stopping.

Next of kin will get you a cross.

Re: Priority at Cross Roads - Wurzel
In my part of the world, certain drivers get round the problem of priority at night by switching off the headlights as they approach a crossroads in the lanes.

If they see no other lights approaching then it's perfectly OK to press on without stopping or slowing down - until they meet someone else doing the same thing that is ....