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Green Party PPB - Andy P
I'm sure some of you have seen the latest travesty which the Green Party ave been putting out - specifically the part which tries to blame 24,000 deaths on pollution from cars.

Since this appears to be completely untrue (based on data from the DoT and several independant reports), I have filed a compalaint with the Broadcasting Standards Commission, claiming that the broadcast is grossly misleading. I'll let you know what, if anything, happens, although I'm not holding my breath.

Re: Green Party PPB - Kev
Please do

I stayed up to watch it too. Ridiculous.
With that kid, 'its simple, build more roads and you will have more cars'.....
Erm, no.
As eventually, everyone who wants to drive will drive. Its impossible to have more cars on the road than people in Britain......
They should be campaining for more bypasses, as I thought it would be obvious that a car sat in a traffic jam does 0mpg....
Whereas a car moving, does at least some.....

Saw a greens party out with meggafone, strangely enough in a car......

Re: Green Party PPB - Andy
Can I suggest that everyone who was livid with the Greens for shoving that pack of untruths on a gullible public does the same as Andy P and complains?
If they receive only a few complaints they are unlikely to act, but if they get lots.....
Re: Green Party PPB - Jonathan
That's not quite true.

The BSC have to respond to each complaint (whether singular or collective). They cannot simply ignore a reasonable complaint because there is only one of them. There will be benefits of more people complaining, but a single one should be enough to get the ball moving.

If anyone wants to, they can make a complaint online:

Re: Green Party PPB - mybrainhurts
A green party activist keeps writing to my local paper. His last letter was more revealing than most.

He was countering an accusation that greens weren't doing anything about something, and assured us that the green party was a worldwide movement, intent on social and environmental change.

Notice that "social" bit creeping in? Perhaps Patrick Moore was right. He was a founder member of Greenpeace, reported to have dumped the organisation when he realised it had been hijacked by left wing extremists.
Re: Green Party PPB - Brian
At the risk of being labelled a "Conspiracy Freak", what better way to bring a country to its knees than by destroying its transport system?
Re: Green Party PPB - Trevor Potter
e.g. Cuba?
Re: Green Party PPB - Flat in Fifth
Another thing where I go bows up at the Greens.

I don't mind them expressing their views, and welcome the chance for a debate, as there is always two sides, however something which has raged for weeks in our local rag is a typical example.

All the Greens can produce in this case is a totally negative argument. Yet ask them as they do not like options A,B or C, what do you think *is* the solution they go very quiet on that.

The end result is that they believe they have won the discussion because they invariably have the last word. The truth is that the more objective parties to the discussion give up due to tedium with banging head on wall syndrome.