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Car key fob - Andy Bairsto
After reading on this forum about outragious prices charged by Ford for replacing the battery and reprogramming key fobs I took mine to my local Ford Agent and asked for a quote .Answer ?7.20 cent I asked is this the normal price ,answer yes its the Ford fixed price in Germany for this service.
A little different to the UK I think.
Re: Car key fob - Chad.R
The key fob for my Xantia's remote central locking is completely knackered with the innards exposed as the rubber cover over the buttons have completely disintegrated.

I called a Citroen dealer and asked the price of a new fob - £70+

I wonder what they might charge in France ?

Re: Car key fob - Brian
Probably worth a day trip if you aren't too far from Dover!
Re: Car key fob - Honest John back in UK
The Ford Keyfob Caper has been covered a lot of times before. If you ask for the batteries to be replaced, the fob apparently only holds the codes for 10 seconds then forgets them. So if the Ford fitter is clumsy, he loses the codes. I was quoted something ridiculous just to change the batteries, so my reply was that if I can change the batteries myself without losing the codes, then you can and if you mess up then you bare the cost of re-coding the fob. They then backed down, of course.