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Possible Illegal Number Plate? - Guy Lacey aka Golf Geek
I have a problem.

GTI International is in a month's time - I have possession of a German No. plate actually made for me in Germany (pressed reflective metal in white with black lettering in correct German style) with the D and Euro stars but with my UK reg. How much trouble could I be in for fitting this to the front of my car? The reg is correct, the colour, etc but what about the fact that it is metal and shows that I am from Deutschland? Can't fit a rear one - 'cos they're white too!

Is there a British Standard for plates and do they *have* to be plastic on a 1991 mota?
Re: Possible Illegal Number Plate? - Tom Shaw
The D is illegal on a UK registered car, the font style and spacing must comply with UK standards. The background must also be reflective.
Re: Possible Illegal Number Plate? - Marcus
Years ago, due to a careless Frog, I had to have a front plate made up in France when I was travelling ( In an Austin Ambassador ) I left it on the car when I got back to UK for several years and never got in any bother - it was metal with a different font.

If you are worried, change it when you get to GTI international - you'll not get in any bother that way.
Re: Possible Illegal Number Plate? - Guy Lacey aka Golf Geek
I agree - but *how* illegal?

£20? Fixed penalty?
7-day wonder?
3 points?

Come on - those "filth" amongst us - surely a faulty plate ranks alongside stolen goods/contraband/speeding/unlawful ownershup/handling of stolen goods as it is as easy to "doo"

How may businesses do you know that can justify a 12% inc.??

U know what I mean. (£2000 worth of ICE going AWOL from the Lacey residence and the "fuzz" don't give a sh*t.) Yet - Hey ho - rumour has it the Laceys are using red diesel so let's send the 25T rigid wagon to test - uh-oh - they're in the clear. Hmmmm, now where are the Govt'd priorities.

Any chance I get to drive w/o tax - I'll take it thank you very much. Now back to my revolutionary plates - oooooooh, let's take bets I end up with over £100 worth of fixed penalties b4 Sept 02.
Re: Possible Illegal Number Plate? - David W

>Hey ho - rumour has it the Laceys are using red diesel so let's send the 25T rigid wagon to test - uh-oh - they're in the clear.

How did you get off that rap? Junk the right silence and invoke the right to claim it was just a very strong concentration of "Aldi" brand diesel-clean?

Re: Possible Illegal Number Plate? - J Bonington Jagworth
No. plate law has changed recently with the introduction of the new style plates. Does anyone know if this is retrospective - e.g. if you have a new plate made up, does it have to be in the new fount (what the Americans call a font, I believe)?

As for the spacing, there are plenty of personal plates made up with illegal spacing, and I've never heard of an owner being nobbled. Strange, when it's so cut and dried...
Re: Possible Illegal Number Plate? - Matt Kelly
One does read in Rabbit and on the club GTI website of some of the larger shows attracting the attention of the police who conduct the odd spot check in the roads leading up to the venue. So, if you're going to get done anywhere for a dodgy plate somewhere near GTI international is a pretty good bet.
Whether this is any more than pub talk I don't know.
Re: Possible Illegal Number Plate? - Brian
IIRC, Any plate made up must be in the new, tightly drawn, format unless it is for a historic vehicle entitled to the black and white plates.
I have not heard of a prosecution for illegal spacing either. Maybe the police hav better things to do (like catching mobile phone users and tailgaters). It should be an MOT failure, I believe, but the miscreants probably have a legal set for wearing one day a year.