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Fiesta Diesel Cambelt woe - Matt Kelly
My aunt has a Fiesta 1.8 diesel that she bought form me about 2 years ago. The cambelt went on Saturday, is this generally terminal in these cars ?
Re: Fiesta Diesel Cambelt woe - Andy Bairsto
No ,I have just changed the belt on my stepsons Fiesta 1.8 ,I also had to remove the head and replace the camshaft and renew the valves total cost around 350ukp I also replaced the clutch and and oil pump while it was in bits .Its now good for another 300000km.
Andy Bairsto
Re: Fiesta Diesel Cambelt woe - David W

Sorry to hear that. It can be terminal depending on the age of the car and amount of damage, sometimes related to engine speed at the time of snapping.

The "usual" is damaged castings in the head where the tappet buckets try to escape.

So you are looking at...

Exchange head - £495
Head gasket set - £40
Oil and filter - £15
New coolant - £8
Timing belt - £22
Belt tensioner - £26
Labour 4hrs @ say £30/hr - £120

Total £726

If you are really lucky and there are just a few bent valves you can delete the new head at £495 but add perhaps £100 - £200 for the overhaul of the old one.

It's a pig when this happens on these engines, which it does all the time.

Re: Fiesta Diesel Cambelt woe - Matt Kelly
Thanks for that reply David. She wasn't going very fast at the time (she doesn't and it was in a built up area) so fingers crossed.

As for your comment about it happening all the time, I bought the car shortly after it had happened before, well I assumed it had as there was a receipt for pretty much everything that you list above and it cost a fair bit more.

I suppose Norwich is bit too far out of the Fens for you ? Do you happen to know of any decent sources of an exchange head in the Norfolk area ?
Re: Fiesta Diesel Cambelt woe - David W

There are many suppliers of heads but there is only one in East Anglia I'll use where I'm being paid to do the job.

Try Ivor Searle of Soham nr Ely..... www.ivor-searle.co.uk/index.html

They do mail order and are a well thought of supplier at a national level. Not cheap but you get value in the end.

Guess they will be £500ish with the slight nuisance of a surcharge while the old head is outstanding and carriage charges. Also they can supply the head gasket set, timing belt kit and so on. I bet you'll actually find someone closer but these are at least folks I know.

Re: Fiesta Diesel Cambelt woe - Matt Kelly
Thanks David, if it does come from there perhaps the famous Turners of Soham (left out of recent haulier spotting discussions) could deliver.

She's got someone lined up in Norwich to do the job but I was going to speak to her tonight just to see what was happening and offer any useful info I'd been able to get hold of.
Re: Fiesta Diesel Cambelt woe - Alan
What about pistons
Re: Fiesta Diesel Cambelt woe - plod-u-like
I had the greatest misfortune to use one of these as a Panda a few years ago. It was on an N plate and with very low mileage (and still under warranty) when disaster struck. I was dealing with a RTC and said vehicle was parked with its blues going for a good couple of hours. Got into to it to drive off and "ping" the Cambelt went taking most of the engine with it. This car had just replaced a K plater with a 125,000 on it which never let us down once (apart from a worn key at around 70,000) The K plater was always quicker and more "solid" somehow and was nicknamed the Golf Ball on account of at least one dent on every panel. As a going away present each driver of the car - there were four of us - felt tipped his intials on the dent he/she was responsible for, only trouble was it was the sort of felt tip we used did not come off easily.......! There were even dents underneath......Each was a battle scar, either accident or delibrate (by local yobos).