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First service (Update) - Evo
Like to keep you informed on my progress with my first service with the Golf GTI....

I went in to the VW dealership yesterday morning and the service guy said he tried to get in contact me the night before regarding that they won't have a loan car ready for me as the customer was still away and haven't return the car to them. I said why didn't you call me on my mobile as i have given them my contact details in the pass and he said the number wasn't on their computer system and by then i was pretty pi*sed off!!!, i told them that i am not willing to wait an hour for the service as i have a job to go to!!!!.

So I said when will the loan car be back and he said could be sometime after lunch so i said give me a ring on my MOBILE when it arrives!..

I head back to work in my car and the time was ticking (still no call from them) and then it was clocking off time so i went home fuming and decided to give them a good bo*locking (the time was about 5.30pm) and I said why didn't u call me and he said he was gonna call me at 6pm..I said what the fu*k?!?!..you clearly had the car back and only when it suited you that you would call me at 6pm by then i was giving him some sh*t over the phone that I will be speaking to your line manager but he kept saying its not his fault its the other customer bring the loan car late......by then i haven't got the energy to shout anymore so i told him i be down now to pick the loan car , he said it was ok , so i got the loan car and had a quick look at the fuel guage and it was nearly empty so that sums up my day with the dealership!!..

A very pi*sed off customer!!!.........
Re: First service (Update) - Andy Bairsto
You will by German rubbish .Its the German phylosphy the customer must wait and is always wrong.I live in Germany and this system works everywhere the customer is the biggest problem and is to be avoided at all costs supermarkets with 20 checkouts 2 working and 50 people waiting ,Big store want to by an expensive watch must wait 15 minutes while the assistants talk about last nights binge.You no what happens when the German generall is kiled all the troops stick their fing up their a--- and put their head in the sand ,its impossible for a German Company to make a decision unless it has been passed by the CEO in case they make a mistake.
Re: First service (Update) - Neil
This is a complete contrast to our local dealership who, if a loan car is not available (2 week list), will either drop you off at work and pick you up again, or pick your car up and drop it off (or pick you up).

When we had the Fiat Bravo there was a huge difference between the standard of customer service depending on who was behind the desk. And when servicing the Ka, the difference between the level of service from one Ford dealer to the next was also great (unlike the service).

Try another dealer. . .
Re: First service (Update) - Evo
I will definitely go to another dealer to get it service next time, to rub more insult on me they phoned me up and said that the car is now serviced and i said well have you guys sorted out the aircon (as its not blowing cold air) and he said "erm...we are waiting on a machine that will fix your air con but the machine is broke"...DOH!...so if i didn't mention it to them again they would have ignored it completely.....ARRRRHGGGHHHHHHH!!!!!........
Re: First service (Update) - Evo
We all should get together and NAME and SHAME these shoddy dealerships!!!..

Oh no you shouldn't! I'm stopping this now. If you can come up with solid proof of what you say, I'll consider reinstating it. Otherwise it stays closed.

Meanwhuile, look here: www.honestjohn.co.uk/phorum/read.php?f=1&i=40253&t...2

Back Room moderator
Re: First service (Update) - Cyclone Cyd
Great idea Evo - I'll start:

Quicks of Coventry. Got a real couldn't care less attitude.
VRS of Coventry. Independant bodge merchants.

Complete contrast to Quicks of Leamington Spa, who are brilliant.
Re: First service (Update) - Martyn, Back Room moderator
Evo wrote:
> We all should get together and NAME and SHAME these shoddy
> dealerships!!!..

Oh no you shouldn't! I'm stopping this now. If you can come up with solid proof of what you say, I'll consider reinstating it. Otherwise it stays closed.

Meanwhuile, look here: www.honestjohn.co.uk/phorum/read.php?f=1&i=40253&t...2

Back Room moderator
Re: First service (Update) - ChrisR
Don't mention names. You'll end up in court for libel.

Re: First service (Update) - Mark (Brazil)
Can't say that Cylcone.

Martyn will be here in a minute, I suspect.
Re: First service (Update) - Evo
sorry for upsetting anyone, just feel abit frustrated by it all!...
Re: First service (Update) - Martyn, Back Room moderator
Evo wrote:
> sorry for upsetting anyone, just feel abit frustrated by it
> all!...

That's understandable, and I for one wasn't upset. But I have to try to avoid putting the website at risk of legal action, and what you proposed was set to make that a probability. Quick action might not prevent us being sued, but it at least shows good intent on our part.
Re: First service (Update) - Martyn, Back Room moderator
Re: First service (Update) - Donkey Hoatey
How to deal with complacent dealers - stop using them.

The local VAG dealer has lost the 100k a year that we used to spend on sales and service simply because he ceased to give a monkey's. Plus the products are no wher near as good as they would have you believe. The last (and I do mean last) Golf PD that we got is a total junker.