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Motorway Speeding - Cardew
A simple question: Has anyone personal knowledge of a motorist prosecuted for driving on a UK motorway (with the NSL of 70mph in force) at :

A. 75-80 mph
B. 80-85 mph

I have not.

I am aware the mere mention of speed cameras, speed limits or the police is sufficient to drive Bogush and his ilk into a frenzy. However it would be nice to have simple answers without them hijacking this thread for their crusade.

Re: Motorway Speeding - Tony
I had a caution at around 85mph via a unmarked car , he said i was pushing very close to a ticket , the traffic at 9am on a sunday was very light , he mentioned this but said the limits were to be obeyed regardless
Re: Motorway Speeding - Tomo
To what purpose?
Re: Motorway Speeding - Trevor Potter
PLEASE do not say you are one of those "good" drivers that can pick and choose which laws to obey.
Re: Motorway Speeding - Honest John
I got stopped on the A1 for 82mph about seven years ago.

Re: Why Does He Keep Rattling My Cage? - The Bully
I got pulled for doing 30 in a 35 a couple of decades ago by a cop too busy watching his speedo to notice that the speed limit signs didn't read 25.

Apart from that: spotless license.

How about you passionless cardy?
Re: Motorway Speeding - Trevor Potter
To my knowledge - and I play golf with a couple of guys from the local Traffic - the answer to your question is:
a) NO
b) ONLY if someone is tailgating or other somesuch.
Re: You feel lucky? - alvin booth
Cardew, I have friend who drives a traffic car.
I asked him at what speed would I get pulled.
He said you would be unlucky to be stopped up to 85 but as Trevor says it would depend on other circumstances including weather.
Incidentally as you probably know their cars have to have the speedos checked very regularly to ensure accuracy.
This includes local Panda cars (do they still call them that?) and he said that the most accurate standard speedo was on Maestro turbo diesels when this County used them. My wife was so pleased..she has one.
Re: Get back in your cage - Fair Play
Big Bully Bogbrush

You just can't help yourself can you? The keywords in the Cad's post were:

UK/motorway/NSL of 70mph in force/A. 75-80 mph/B. 80-85 mph

so don't obfuscate the issue that was raised.

So try again, try harder, and please bear Cardew's rider in mind too.

Re: Motorway Speeding - Alwyn
Hi-jacking of threads happens all the time Cardew. Are you the new Martin? Martin does not try to censor opinions before they are given, so why do you?

Could you not have simply asked your eminently sensible question without attempting to pre-censor replies?

I mentioned the dangers of a hidden Gatso in an earlier thread and and no-one even mentioned the possiblities of a crash caused by leaping for the brakes, even if within the limit. Someone decided the style of argument was the actual topic and it drifted from there.

BTW, the way, to answer your question, ACPO guidelines say that we should not be pulled unless we exceed the limit by 10% plus 2 miles per hour. So 79 mph in a 70.

But then it depends on the mood or opinion of the traffic officer at the time. Policemen will point out they are only guidelines, not law.

A retired policeman friend told me his son was pulled and ticketed at 2 o'clock in the morning for doing 77 on a nearly deserted dual carriageway.
Re: Why Do They Keep Rattling My Cage #2? - The Bully

No, "Fair Play" the key insults were:

> I am aware the mere mention of speed cameras, speed limits or the police is sufficient to drive Bogush and his ilk into a frenzy. However it would be nice to have simple answers without them hijacking this thread for their crusade.

Do you have a vision problem?

Do you have the same problem reading the numbers on the signs as Passionless Cardy and the policeman who pulled me, so falling into the trap of assuming that they are reasonable?

Or the newspapers?

The APCO guidelines were challenged in the courts a while back by the we're-not anti-car-just-pro-safety brigade for not being zero tolerance. Do you remember the outcome of the case?

And if you really want the answers as to what might, or might not, happen in real life, try searching through this forum: UK Traffic Law

Or reading this letter .
Re: Motorway Speeding - crazed
Re: Motorway Speeding - Cardew
I take it you mean Martyn(with a Y).?

I am honoured that you considered it an . Mortified that you do not consider it reasonable to ask a question and request relevant replies. In my defence, it was not my intent to opinions. In fact I wasn?t even aware I had elicited opinions.

Re: Fair Play - The Bully
Perhaps "Cardew" would like to read this article and point us to where the government explains how it is going to reduce the 85% of pedestrian casualties actually caused by the pedestrians themselves:

.......draconian new laws........ (the Guardian's words!).

Perhaps by making jaywalking illegal.

Or punishing jaywalkers who cause accidents.

Perhaps by making them work in casualty departments and confiscating their cycles if they own them.

Locking them up for life, even.

And what the government's proposals are for helping motorist victims of jaywalkers.

WITHOUT making any anti-car or anti-motorist comments, and WITHOUT suggesting the government might be right.

And perhaps "Fair Play" would like to correct him when he gets it wrong.
Re: Fair Play - markymarkn
Chill-out lads!

Re: Fair Play - Dwight Van Driver

Up to 11.11.87 in relation to the NSL it used to be:

exceed by 7mph a verbal warning,
exceed 7 to 11mph a written warning (withdrawn because of the cost of
exceed by 11 mph and your name invariably was on a summons, but further discretion was up to the Officer concerned. Middle of the night jobs.

These were guidelines from ACPO Traffic and very much up to the discretion of the Force/Officer concerned and the manner of driving observed. Basically they were obeyed.

I understand now that basically the 10 per cent rule applies and includes cameras but there were moves afoot to have this removed and zero tolerance imposed. I gather that there was some resistance to this move because of impracticalities of fitting certified and calibrated speedometers in vehicles driven by the public and this went back on hold plus the fact that more attention would have to be paid to viewing the speedo than the road ahead. Not wise.

Speedometers on police patrol cars fitted with calibrated speedometers (no wow and flutter) are virtually tested every day against a stop watch on a measured mile or rolling road. Error allowed was then 2% plus or minus. i.e. 58 - 62 secs for 60 mph.

Why 11.11.87 - after this date it appears from comments on this site I rejoined the real world.

Re: Motorway Speeding - Kevin


got ticketed for 81 mph on the M1 a few years ago. Cop was using VASCAR and even took the time to show me how it worked. Thought I'd be reasonably safe keeping it under 85 in light traffic so just eased off the throttle when I saw him parked on the hardshoulder. Got me fair and square but a little unreasonably I thought.

I think it just depends on the individual officer and how close he is to his targets ^H^H^H^H^H^H^H public.

Re: Motorway Speeding - Dwight Van Driver

Vascar gives a computed average speed so it follows that you must have been wellie-ing it over the 81 mph, n'ce pas?

Re: Motorway Speeding - Kevin


Yes, I was doing about 85 or so when I saw him and probably 75 by the time I passed him.

I was just a little surprised that he pulled me over because the road was fairly quiet, I was in the middle lane overtaking a van, and the weather was good enough for him to use the shadow of a bridge to start timing me.

C'est la vie.

Re: Motorway Speeding - Guy
I was done on the M25 3 years ago doing 90 'something' (on average) over the statute mile.

Yes I know it was the M25 but it was an April night about midnight.

There were SIGNIFICANT personal reasons why I was driving this way (g/f gone to hospital with female complications) BUT I was still practising lane discipline and never undertook.

In fact the officer of the police car I overtook (homer says 'dooh') at speed even commented that I indicated while doing so at what he assessed to be a safe distance for the speed.

He pulled me and I agreed it was a fair cop. He asked why and I told him. He took my licence and said it would be up to the magistrate as to the penalty but that I shouldnt be suprised if I lost the licenece and the matter was referred higher up the food chain.

HOWEVER he did say he was able to write a report of my reason and lane discipline etc and that he would do so - he was sure that the magistrate would take this into account AND HE DID!

3 points and £40 fine (I think)


It was the Hertfordshire area of the M25 (not the met / surrey / essex bit) so as long as you are driving at the 11 O'clock position........

hope this helps
