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Wiring diagrams. - Pete
Could anyone please suggest a source for car wiring diagrams, either by post or on-line. Seeking diagram for a new Suzuki Wagon R ( yes, I have asked the dealer ) Any input much appreciated.
Re: Wiring diagrams. - Cyclone Cyd
I have found main dealers to be indifferent to DIY mechanics - there's no money in it for them you see! They will have access to all the technical info put out by Suzuki, but are probably just not willing to help. If you bought the car from them or have it serviced there, try pointing this out to them. Or, try another dealer or Suzuki UK.
Re: Wiring diagrams. - Pete
Thanks Cyd. Everything you say is quite right.

Now, anybody know where I can obtain a wiring diagram please ?
Re: Wiring diagrams. - Trevor Potter
Do they have them in Haynes Manuals?
Re: Wiring diagrams. - steve paterson
Ref the main dealer attitude. A few years ago a mate of mine went to the local Volvo dealer asking for advice. He was told that customers pay £30 per hour for information, and that it wasn't available for free.
Re: Wiring diagrams. - Denis
Tried to get a wiring diagram for the radio in my sons Peugeot 206 and guess what, Peugeot Main dealers don't have them. I asked the obvious questio, "how do you work on the radios then?" to which they replied, "we don't, we send them to a specialist to be done" doohhh.
If the Suzi is new there won't be a Haynes manual out yet. Haynes manuals do however have pretty good witing diagrams that even an electrical dunce like me can understand.
Re: Wiring diagrams. - Pete
Thanks to all contributors for the input. I did not expect any cooperation from the dealer but had give him a chance.

One grab handle with screws. Certainly Sir.
One set of mudflaps. Certainly Sir.
A wiring diagram please. Stoney silence. ( Surprise, surprise ! )

Any Suzuki dealership mechanics out there ? A photo copy of the wiring relating to the central locking mech should be worth a couple of pints.
Re: Wiring diagrams. - Dave Lacey aka Dr Dave
Well, with Block Exemption around the corner, Main Dealers will have to make technical info available to the aftermarket. This (I think) only applies to emission related parts of the vehicle, but I'm not sure.

I must admit I don't like dishing out advice/info to independants etc but I try to be as helpful as possible.

I think we will be in for some 'fun'
Re: Wiring diagrams. - Pete
I am not an independant motor trader or mechanic and the dealer knows this because he knows where I work. Nor am I asking the dealer to supply a wiring diagram free of charge.

I am asking the dealer to SELL me a wiring diagram, as in money, making a profit, etc, etc, this is not usually a problem for him !

Can anyone please tell me where I can obtain a copy of the wiring diagram for the latest Suzuki Wagon R+, 1.3 please?
Re: Wiring diagrams. - peteJ
Just to unhelpfully point out that the dealers are there to make a profit on working on your car, not acting as a photocopy service.
We are an independent garage and struggle on occasions just as you are. We usually have to grovel & beg.

e-mail me and I'll try to help though!
Re: Wiring diagrams. - Pete
I was not asking for a photocopy, I was asking to purchase an original, as in money, as in dealer making a profit whilst providing a service to the customer.