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Sexy Peugeots - Mahatma Coate
Have a look at CAR magazine (you can read it in Smith's). The two peugeot concepts - Hearts and Spades are top banana.

One drawback, old spacehopper belly seems to be writing for them...
Re: Sexy Peugeots - Mark (Brazil)
I don't think I understood any of that.
Re: Sexy Peugeots - Mahatma Coate
Two rather nice Peugeot concept cars featured in Car magazine, which you can pick up and read in WH Smith if you are too mean to buy it. They are called "Hearts" and "Spades".

Jeremy Clarkson (who once described his stomach as "like a spacehopper") has a column on why he hates Vectras in said magazine.

is that better?
Re: Sexy Peugeots - Mark (Brazil)
So much so, thank you.
Re: Sexy Peugeots - Dan J
As I can see this thread probably ain't gonna go much further (no offence intended of course Mahatma) thought I'd stick something non-relevant in!

Am sure it'll interest several other members of the forum as well so didn't do it privately - How is the wee babe Mark? Still coping alright? I notice some interesting timings of some of your postings so did guess that perhaps they were mid sleep nappy change postings!

Hope everything is even more wonderful than it was at the start - do let us know.

P.s. Are you likely to be making it over for the Motor Show 2002 later this year? I'd had it down for a general HJ meet but I notice that, worryingly, the tickets are already on sale!

Re: Sexy Peugeots - J Bonington Jagworth
Agree about the Peugeots, although if I could afford something like that, it wouldn't have Peugeot badge on it (I'm not being rude - I've got an old 305 that has served me well, but sexy it ain't).

WRT Clarkson, I think he writes well, but some of it is for effect. You will find from his collected writings that he is terribly inconsistent, so while his opinions are fun to read, they are not that useful, or even important.