chamois leather - Alfred
Does anyone know where to buy a decent chamois leather. Not the paper thin hankie size ones in Halfords etc.

How much does a full size one cost? £40?

Re: chamois leather - Richard
You might like to try John Lewis. I bought one about 2 years ago: there were several sizes available, the largest roughly square, 18" a side. Can't remember the cost, I'm afraid, but it wasn't anything like £40.
Re: chamois leather - Roger Jones
Consider the Autoglym equivalent too -- much cheaper and, Autoglym claim, much more effective. Available from Halfords and other accessories outlets.
Re: chamois leather - Keithb
I can recommend the Autoglym synthetic. Cost me £8 at Halfords a year ago and far superior to genuine chamois. It leaves the car spot & streak-free and it's also very good on windows. Comes in a plastic box which avoids drying out between washes.
Re: chamois leather - matt
I have good results from Pittard Dry Soft chamois - about £16 from Halfords.
Willl send you one for £40 if you post address.
Re: chamois leather - THe Growler
Buy the synthetic, they're fine. I use one on show quality Mustang paint without a problem.
Re: chamois leather - j.cronin
I've have good results from Pittards chamois;also the Auto-Glym plastic water scraper-can't remember what it's called is very good-I thought it was a gimmick till I saw one being used.