Toxic Car Polish - Kevin

I was chatting to a neighbour this morning who was prepping a couple of his vehicles for a show this weekend (he's a classic VW fan). He was wearing surgical gloves to polish the engine bay of a combi (Ian will know what I mean).

He told me that he'd been using them ever since reading an article where a guy had lost a finger after car polish entered an open cut while polishing his car.

I know that petroleum distillates can cause dermatitis etc. etc. but a quick web search didn't pick up any reference to the lost-finger case.

Is this another urban legend or has anyone else seen believable reports ?

Re: Toxic Car Polish - Tom Shaw
Perhaps this guy was polishing the engine with it running and got too near the fan...
Re: Toxic Car Polish - Sadam I Urwot
I didn't realise that this was so popular as to attract a fan, do you think that he or she bit off the finger?
Re: Toxic Car Polish - Andy P
There are no components in car polish that are toxic. The regulations on what can be put into products like this are strictly controlled.

Re: Toxic Car Polish - steve paterson
Don't know about Car Polish being non toxic, Polish Vodka is.
Re: Toxic Car Polish - Mahatma Coate
Don't drink either!
Re: Toxic Car Polish - Jonathan
Don't spill the Polish stuff on the bodywork.

Macedonian Tikfesh can melt plastics.