Help! - M6/M74 speed cameras - urgent! - Happy Blue!
Sorry its a bit late, but going to Alloa tomorrow up the M6 and M74. Before I set my cruise control on 85mph at 6am to go up a deserted motorway north of Preston, are there any cameras I need to watch out for?


Help! - M6/M74 speed cameras - urgent! - type's'
Just checked the AA road atlas with speed cameras identified and it does not show any.

Have not driven it lately so only know what the 2006 atlas says.
Help! - M6/M74 speed cameras - urgent! - Stuartli
According to this website there are number plate cameras on overhead bridges on the M6 and M74: (see third paragraph from the end).

Also see: and
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What\'s for you won\'t pass you by
Help! - M6/M74 speed cameras - urgent! - BazzaBear {P}
Worth keeping an eye on the bridges overhead for mobile vans between Lancaster and the Lakes. They used to be seen there a lot a few years ago, dunno if it's still the case.
Help! - M6/M74 speed cameras - urgent! - Stuartli
It's mentioned in one of the links I posted in fact, including a photograph of one of said vans discreetly hidden until almost the last second...:-)

So it obviously does still apply.
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What\'s for you won\'t pass you by
Help! - M6/M74 speed cameras - urgent! - BazzaBear {P}
It's mentioned in one of the links I posted in fact,

Ah yes, but I'm sure Espada is glad to get confirmation from someone as obviously knowledgeable as myself! ;)
Help! - M6/M74 speed cameras - urgent! - Happy Blue!
Thanks all. I was last up there in February 2005 and remember a couple of mobile units on the bridges going home, but suspect that that 6am - 8am which is the time I will be going up the M6 they will not have woken up yet (I hope!).
Help! - M6/M74 speed cameras - urgent! - defender
watch out for the van on the overhead bridges in dumfries and galloway (just past gretna)= easy qouta filler for the month end
Help! - M6/M74 speed cameras - urgent! - Happy Blue!
Bazza and Stuart - I thank you!
Help! - M6/M74 speed cameras - urgent! - poskiller
watch out for the van on the overhead bridges in dumfries and galloway (just past gretna)= easy qouta filler for the month

Unfortunately that was a little late for me, go done by that one in May this year (stil waiting for Boots to send me the negatives!)
Help! - M6/M74 speed cameras - urgent! - Falkirk Bairn
M9 & M876 have mobile units on them - Roadworks for now Kincardine Bridge - more mobiles about.

Usually on Bridges - if they are there thye will see you before you see them - radar detector might help

There were no Camera Partnerships for Central Police last year buyt there is this year.
Help! - M6/M74 speed cameras - urgent! - frazerjp
On the the A74m stretch patrolled by Dumfries & Galloway police you will see a patrol BMW on the carriageway going up & down.
Its not what you drive, its how you drive it! :-)
Help! - M6/M74 speed cameras - urgent! - Nsar
It always used to be said that the traffic cops round Shap were especially vigilant, but have never had personal experience or known anyone nabbed there so perhaps an old wive's tale.

Steady in that new toy of yours....
Help! - M6/M74 speed cameras - urgent! - Stuartli
If you are near a Lidl store at any time during the day, the 2007 edition of the AA road atlas with speed camera markings goes on sale tomorrow (Thursday) for £1.99...:-)
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What\'s for you won\'t pass you by
Help! - M6/M74 speed cameras - urgent! - BobbyG
Espada, last year a colleague got done by a camera van on the M74 for 78mph! Up till then I always thought that 80mph was OK!
Help! - M6/M74 speed cameras - urgent! - IanJohnson
Keep below the ACPO guidelines, observe correct spacing, then nothing to worry about whether the cameras, or police, are watching!

IIRC guideline for fixed penalty in 70 mph area is 78 mph
Help! - M6/M74 speed cameras - urgent! - NowWheels
Keep below the ACPO guidelines, observe correct spacing, then nothing to
worry about whether the cameras, or police, are watching!
IIRC guideline for fixed penalty in 70 mph area is 78 mph

ISTR someone done for less than 10% over the limit by average-speed cameras, who reported to the backroom that they had been told that when averages were in use, the peolice didn't feel obliged to be offer such generous margins.

Also, do remember that those ACPO guidelines are just that: guidelines. Forces can prosecute at 1mph over the limit, though most are unlikely to do so because at those margins they have little room for error in the accuracy of their equipment. But wasn't Lancashire constabulary at one point threatening zero-tolerance, without the 10%+2 margin?
Help! - M6/M74 speed cameras - urgent! - Westpig
unmarked silver Merc estate.........saw it earlier in the year on the lamps in the grill and flashing rear/blue reds in the back window.......
Help! - M6/M74 speed cameras - urgent! - Stuartli
>>But wasn't Lancashire constabulary at one point threatening zero-tolerance, without the 10%+2 margin?>>

I know of one person who has been done for travelling past a speed camera in Bretherton (Lancashire) at 32mph.

The camera, plus another on the other side of the road, are both outside a school.
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What\'s for you won\'t pass you by
Help! - M6/M74 speed cameras - urgent! - Happy Blue!
I'm back - safe and sound and I think ticket and point free (I hope!)

Left north Manchester at 5:45am and got to Abington (J13 M74) at about 8:05am. That's about 175 miles. No sign of cameras etc. Drove gently to Alloa via Kincardine Bridge and saw varoius signs for cameras, but didn't see that many???

Then went to Glasgow for lunch and left at 3:00pm to come home arrived at 6:50pm as there was lots of traffic at the border (following an accident several hours earlier and another multicar shunt by Preston - not to mention the lemmings going to the Trafford Centre for Christmas Shopping causing mayhem on the M61.

I kept my eyes peeled for mobile cameras on bridges over the southbound M74 but didn't spot any........I think I'll wait 14 days!
Help! - M6/M74 speed cameras - urgent! - Happy Blue!
Oh and 520 miles of which 25 was spent in Manchester urban crawl before the trip at an overall average of 26.2mpg. I think thats OK for a 3.0 Outback.
Help! - M6/M74 speed cameras - urgent! - Quinny100
You'll be OK on the M6 in Lancashire, but Cumbria use safety partnership vans on the bridges and these will do you at 79mph. They operate anytime during daylight hours, so be careful.
Help! - M6/M74 speed cameras - urgent! - Stuartli
>>They operate anytime during daylight hours, so be careful>>

Espada III {P} has been there and back already...:-)

Quite a trip.
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What\'s for you won\'t pass you by
Help! - M6/M74 speed cameras - urgent! - Chuffer Dandridge
So opinion on this thread is to keep a good look out for speed cameras while driving.

However the speed camera thread has:

>>Drivers can check their speedo and drive safely it just means they will spend a bit less time >>looking at the road and more time checking their speed.

and other similar phrases regularly repeated

Evidently it is safe to repeatedly take your eye of the traffic etc. to look out for speed cameras, but dangerous to look at the cars instrument dials

Sorry, but I'm very confused
Help! - M6/M74 speed cameras - urgent! - BazzaBear {P}

Guess what? Different people have different opinions. If you would like to cross-check this thread against that one, find anyone who has posted alledgedly contradictory opinions in both and ask that particular person to explain themselves, be my guest. But please don't whine at me about an opinion I've never expressed.
Help! - M6/M74 speed cameras - urgent! - retgwte