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Fraudulently sold Leased/HP cars - Rita
Has anyone ever bought a car which unbeknownestto them was a leased or hire purchase car and lived to retain the car?

Re: Fraudulently sold Leased/HP cars - Jonathan
My father bought a car that had outstanding finance on it.

I bought it off him and about a year ago i had a visit from the finance company.

My father had paid the vendor on the understanding that he pay off the balance. He didn't do this and must have kept up the payments and eventually defaulted.

The finance company eventually got their money from the vendor (fortunately for him).

A bit of a hairy time.


Re: Fraudulently sold Leased/HP cars - Ian L
I bought a second hand fiesta with cash from a Ford Main dealer, FSH two previous owners, didnt bother with the HP/insurance check since I assumed that a main dealer would check these (and it would be illegal for them to sell the car with outstanding HP).

Almost a year later the car was stolen....no problems except that the insurance company were taking a long time, broker chased them up and it turned out that someone at the dealer was playing a fast one, selling a car with HP, then taking it back in PX then putting it back on the forecourt and selling it again.

By now I was within a few weeks of leaving the UK for a job in Australia so I could do without the hassle, so broker persuaded the insurance company to pay up and take the dealer to court themselves rather than leaving the whole thing in my lap to sort out. Insurance company paid out to me and I was happy but took several years to sort it out after successfully taking the sales dept to court. Turned out this wasnt the first occurrence so they were happy to take the effort on this one.

I was very lucky....turned out the car thief did me a favour, If it hadnt been nicked I would have tried to sell the car privately
at the last minute before leaving for Oz which would have come unstuck very quickly either for me or the next unsuspecting owner.

ALWAYS do a HPI check even for a main dealer!