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L Drivers - John Brunner
My neighbour has a son coming up to his 17th birthday. Son is telling Mum that there will shortly be legislation a) Changing the age for a provisional licence from 17 to 18; and restricting learners to driving only with approved instructors, not practicing with parents etc.
Does anyone know of any planned legislation?
Re: L Drivers - Dwight Van Driver
Thought it was the other way round and age dropped to 16 with driving under strict supervision. restriction on cc like motor cycles, a more detailed driving test then a provisional period (P plates) before being let loose.
I gather D of T have almost completed proposals and an announcement soon.

Re: L Drivers - Brian
This is part of proposals for licence changes. it has been referred to on here within the last fortnight.
Try Search, sorry I haven't time to look at the moment but there was a link to the official consultation paper.
Re: L Drivers - Andy Bairsto
The EU directive which the UK is failing at the moment to enforce illegally, is that all instructers are licenced,Eighteen is the age for a normal car ,they can only be taught in and by a registered intructer and must have Motorway instruction plus a pass a lengthy theory exam before be let loose on a car.
Re: L Drivers - Guy Lacey
If the only directive the UK is failing to implement correctly involves learner drivers then I think our friends on the continent had better look at the number and gravity of directives they have failed to even legislate for let alone comply with!

Environmental Protection - it is 7 years before the German Paper Industry will have to implement IPPC vs now for the UK Manufacturers.
Food Standards - France continues to ban Brit Beef in contradiction of EU law.
Free Trade - see Food Standards!

I don't recall seeing many EU directives being followed in Greece last year on holiday - in fact, 8 year olds riding shotgun in the footwell of Papa's Honda C90 step-through in nothing but shorts were more common than people wearing crash helmets. . . . . . and as for CE marking and building regulations - you must be joking!
Re: L Drivers - Tom Shaw
I can assure you that there are no plans to raise the minimum driving age to 18. I have been an instructor for the best part of 20 years and this scare story crops up with alarming regularity. As DVD has said, the opposite is at the moment being proposed with the minimum age being reduced to 16. Neither are there any plans to make instruction with a qualified ADI the only way a learner can get behind the wheel. The DSA in fact encourage private practice to compliment driving lessons.
Re: L Drivers - Andrew Smith
Are you sure this isn't kid code for "Teach me to drive as soon as possible".