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is Parker's guide real? or rubbish? - spencertheartist
I am looking at a VW Golf gti 2.0 16v on a P at a trader, who is selling it for £7000. Parkers has it at £6300 for A1 at retail, less for good or fair. Same for a few other golf gti derivatives.

Trying to trade in an alfa gtv 2,0 lusso in "A1" condition, we cannot get any offers that come near the prices that we should allegedly be getting according to Parkers. Parkers says that trade for this car is £8250 yet we are being offered £6500.

I accept that traders operate in the real world and they have to make a profit like we all do but why are Parkers prices so wildly different to our "real-life" experiences? Eh?
Re: is Parker's guide real? or rubbish? - Honest John
Alfas dropped like a stone in January while most cars rose by 10% - 20% from November prices. Guides like Parkers might not have anticipated that Alfas would fall so hard, but they should have allowed for the November to January rise. This has been at least 10% every year for the past 10 years.

Re: is Parker's guide real? or rubbish? - Andy Bairsto
Alfas are almost worhless on the second hand mart at the moment if you have been offered this amount take it and run ,you will be doing better than most
Re: is Parker's guide real? or rubbish? - Phil
Why are Alfas doing so badly? I know they have had some reliability problems...
Re: is Parker's guide real? or rubbish? - T.Lucas
Alfas are sheds,always have been and probably always will be.We might get lucky in the UK and the importers do the same as Lancia did,give up and con the rest of Europe and give us a break.If you have an Alfa as your co car you might just be able to live with it,but the man that pays for it with his own hard earned expects something a little more reliable.
Re: is Parker's guide real? or rubbish? - Mark (freezing cold)

Are you trying to trade the Alfa for the VW in the same deal? If so no wonder the margin isn't in your favour. Dealers hate taking a more expemsive car for a downtrade, it just doesn't work.

Also trading Alfa for Golf stacks all the cards in their favour.

Re: is Parker's guide real? or rubbish? - David W
Here, what's going on?? I was going to say the same.

Re: is Parker's guide real? or rubbish? - spencertheartist
well gentlemen I see that alfas have indeed fallen foul of the english car-buying public. Well, can someone tell Parkers to wake up and start earning the £3 or whatever it is they want for their silly horrible little booklet.

What about this dealer asking way over Parkers "A1" retail price for his golfs? Is he secure in the knowledge that some sucker will always pay it, or should i be looking to knock a grand off?
Re: is Parker's guide real? or rubbish? - David W

Do you know Parkers are on-line free of charge for all their prices?

Even Glasses is just a guide, if the dealers are in a strong position and won't play you have to move on.

The Golf is good but the usual pricing and reputation are a tad too high. You can get some damm good cars of that age for half the price.

Re: is Parker's guide real? or rubbish? - T.Lucas
Prices for cars are all about what a punter will pay,and they like used Golfs,so you have to pay the price if you want to own one,sometimes means you get bad value for your money.
Re: is Parker's guide real? or rubbish? - Mark (Brazil, but in UK)
gosh, I know more about these things than I thought.

Bit strange signing myself "David" though.

I better tell Martyn someone is replying under a false name.
Re: is Parker's guide real? or rubbish? - David W

Some sort of crossed HTML link at the server I guess.

Re: is Parker's guide real? or rubbish? - Steve G
Best way to value your car (and the Golf) is to visit Autotrader/Exchange & Mart websites and see what other people are asking.This reflects 'real world' prices not 'guide' values which can be very inaccurate (particularly with Alfa's).
Alfa's have fallen in value a lot this year but a clean GTV will sell if priced sensibly.Try alfaowner.com
Mr T.Lucas has a big problem with Alfa's, Why ? bad experience ?
Dealers in this country are...... - Buying abroad
....rip off merchants. Pure and simple. The best laugh I had was reading dealers would 'give' a premium of £150 on a car with the new 51 plate as opposed to the same year but on a Y plate.

Add to that them valuing a new Merc at £10k less, yes, £10k because it was white!!!! What other country would stand for this crap?
Re: Dealers in this country are...... - Andy Bairsto
White cars have a poor resale value against metalic silver
Re: Dealers in this country are...... - Buying abroad
Not £10k's worth they don't!!
Re: Dealers in this country are...... - Steve G
It may seem fickle but so are the British buying public.
A newer registration is always preferable. A white Merc is unsaleable hence the valuation.Put yourself in the position of the dealer.
There are dealers who will Rip you off but if you do your homework these guys dont stand a chance. Its the only the gullible who pay thru the nose then complain about it.
Sell the Alfa privately then buy your next car with cash - its the only way of getting a good deal.