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Idiots!!! - Andy P
Came in to work this morning. Thirty mile drive, clear blue sky, and guess what? Twelve cars with their front fog lights on! These people should be taken from their cars and publically flogged!!

Re: Idiots!!! - Ian Aspinall
Conversely, on a 10-minute walk back from the local Tube station late last night, I spotted 4 or 5 cyclists riding without lights - and, needless to say, no helmets or reflective jackets either. How much is a pair of bike lights? 20 quid? Is that the value these people place on their own life??
Re: Idiots!!! - Neil Banfield
Another problem area is horseriders without hi viz vests. Sometimes blend into the scenery on dark horses on dark lanes.
Re: Idiots!!! - Richard P
I had a surprise tonight when joining the M53 from Birkenhead this evening on my way home from work! Some twit had STOPPED at the end of the slip road and was waiting to join traffic on an almost deserted piece of motorway! The slip goes uphill and there is a slight crest at the top. After a quick shoulder check, I look back forward to see this idiot stopped at the top! On with the brakes and did stop in good time from about 50mph....however it was a bit of a shock. This sort of foolish behavior defeats the purpose of a slip road, if things are that busy on the motorway, then the hard shoulder should be used for a short distance in which to safely join the moving traffic.
Re: Idiots!!! - Keithb
Using the hard shoulder as an extension of the slip road is illegal, surely, and very dangerous. If you cannot safely join the motorway/main road due to traffic volumes, then you should stop.
Re: Idiots!!! - Richard P
That was what I was told in my driving lessons about 6 years ago, and whilst preparing for my test with the IAM. I think it is safer to use the hard shoulder if anything, only if it is clear of course! Trying to merge with high speed traffic from a standstill really does not make sense.
Re: Idiots!!! - El Dingo (Martin)
I agree - even the bit about the public flogging.

Re: Idiots!!! - N.Witherall

I quite agree and feel this stupid habit has not been helped by Fenton Breslers Article in the Saturday Telegraph motoring section in which he said and I quote (Headlights and front Foglights must be used when visibility is below 100metres whatever the time of day or night and ALWAYS during the hours of darkness except on roads restricted to 30mph) in spite of Emailing the motoring editor no reply was received and no correction has been published.

Re: Idiots!!! - ROBIN
I dont think there is any legislation about when front foglights should be used,only when they should'nt.
My main objection to the incorrect use of foglights is in the rain,when they are actually impeding vision.
Re: Idiots!!! - Brian
Yep, joining a motorway from stationary is daft.
If you stop behind the ditherer and then try to join immediately from that position then you end up with a queue of cars on the slip road all trying to do standing starts.
After all, if you stop on the hard shoulder for an emergency you don't do a sharp right and then accelerate, you gain speed to match the traffic and then merge.
Blind obedience to the rules can be as dangerous as deliberately flouting them.