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Second 12 car. - Dave
Doing my second 12 car as driver tonight!

Hopeing to beat my previous position of 5th!

As a good omen I got into work in record time today. [1]

[1] Light traffic - there's not much scope for drive skill on my drive into work.
Re: Second 12 car. - ian (cape town)
Have a good one, Dave! Let us know how you get on.

(have you persuaded your mum to lend you the washing-up bowl again?)
Re: Second 12 car. - Dave
I've bought my own bowl!

It remains to be seen if it will be used as a foot rest or a technicolour yawn container!
Re: Second 12 car. - Alwyn
I am soooooooooooo thick. Wot's a 12 car?
Re: Second 12 car. - Brian
Glad you asked that first, I didn't like to appear ignorant! ;-)
Re: Second 12 car. - Alwyn

I appear ignorant quite often!
Whats a 12 car? - Flat in Fifth
Answer as non technical as I can make it.

A road rally, entry of which is confined to 12 cars maximum and members of the organising club only.

Due to the small entry list the organisational requirements are less stringent than for larger events. However the event is still subject to the relevant legislation from UK Government, the Governing body for motorsport the RACMSA and of course the general laws of the highway.

Any more and we are getting a lot technical.

Personal observation only this last bit. IMHO due to the more relaxed organisational requirements I believe that 12 cars are responsible for more anti rally feeling and complaints than many bigger events.
Re: Whats a 12 car? - Alwyn

Thanks for that. Yes I thought it might be the number of entrants but then it could have been a type of car.

Re: Whats a 12 car? - Mark (Brazil)
Are they timed over a course ? Are there penalties for being too quick as well as too slow ?

How do you win ?
Re: Whats a 12 car? - Flat in Fifth
Jeepers Mark, can't answer this properly in the time available. I'll send you something I did for Alwyn re map reading.

Are they timed over a course ? Yes the route is usually defined by map references over an approved route. It is divided into competitive and non competitive sections. The latter are designed to get the competitors quietly and slowly through villages etc.

Are there penalties for being too quick as well as too slow ?
Yes, in fact the penalties for being too quick / or early into controls are far more severe than being late. The allowable set speed is easily achievable even in standard road cars, so organisers use all sorts of devices to slow competitors down, eg not give them the route until the last second so the mapman has to plot and navigate and keep the time all at once. known as plot and bash events. Years back you used to get the route an hour beforehand and this resulted in road racing by any other name.
However note there are no penalties for being late in non competitive sections, but dependant upon the type there could be very severe penalties for being too quick. The aim is to encourage people to drive responsibly.

How do you win ?
Penalties applied for missing controls/check points/late/early arrival plus a host of other features. Cleanest sheet wins. Conviction of any motoring offence while taking part in a rally used to mean exclusion from the event. Some organisers tried to apply penalties for incuring body damage, but I've never seen it done successfully.

Does that answer your questions, sure someone has time to add more?
Re: Whats a 12 car? - ian (cape town)
Standard car?
Public road?
Does this count as motorsport - as far as the insurers are concerned?
Re: Whats a 12 car? - Dave
12 Car navigational rally.

Penalties for going too fast or too slow. On the route you have to take there are sign boards with Letters on them. You must note these.

You win by being the quickest guy with the most correctly noted signboards. The average speed is 30mph, but this includes the time taken to plot the course and of course back roads are chosen with NSL speed limits.

As for anti rally feeling you'd be amazed how much effort is taken to make it local friendly. Areas are defined as quiet areas.

I've yet to enter a 12 car with the full 12 cars.

I'd say unregulated treasure hunts are far worse.
Re: Whats a 12 car? - Dave
Yes, you have to get event insurance for about 7 quid.
Re: Whats a 12 car? - Flat in Fifth
"I'd say unregulated treasure hunts are far worse"

Yep Dave, I'll give you that one, I forgot about those flaming things!