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Petrol - Malcolm
Does sainsbury's pertol have as good quality additives as companys such as shell or texaco? thankyou for any response
Re: Petrol - alvin booth
I think the only real answer is that no-one appears to know, There have been many suggestions including HJ that they don't.
My son in law who was a Texaco tanker driver for many years describes that when they fill their tank for delivery they are given a card at the depot which they insert into the bulk tanks electronic box. This tells the equipment how much to load and what additives are put in. The type and amount of additive is dependant on who they are delivering to and is not something the driver has any knowledge of as it is all done automatically.
Surprisingly there is no definitive answers coming from any authoritive source.
Looking in my wifes diesel car handbook it states "Derv fuel to British standard 2869 Class A1 or equivalant" but this would have been before the latest round of reducing sulphur. One would think a EU directive or standard on lubricity would have been in place before this was carried out.
However this dosn't appear to be the case as reports of fuel pump damage in Sweden was reported when sulphur was reduced. This was apparently rectified but how could it have been introduced before standards were introduced.
Perhaps our European posters can tell us if standards are in place there.