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Filter and Oil Changes - Old Speckled Ken
I know this sounds similar to another topic still on this page, there amongst other views, Andy in Germany was opining that changing the filter was more important than the oil.

Conversely, the previous time this topic was aired a couple of Backroomers suggested it might be good enough to change the filter
every *other* oilchange. Others shot them down in flames - after all filters aren't expensive, and no gret hassle onnce you've found where they are on your engine(!)

Well get this! Amsoil, who sell both full synthetic oil and filters, are now recommending that you use TWO filters for every gallon of oil, putting on a new one when halfway between oilchanges......
Re: Filter and Oil Changes - Dave N
I think I saw somewhere that Amsoil state their oil could be good for 24K intervals. Maybe this is why they recommend the interim filter change. As Andy Bairsto said, synthetic oils can actually last a really long time, so maybe we are wasting money changing it early.
Re: Filter and Oil Changes - Honest John
A friend of mine is a chemist at a big brewery. The brewery tests the engine oil in its trucks and compamy cars and has found that none last longer than 6,000 miles without becoming at least partly contaminated or degraded. When Mobil ran an American spec E30 BMW 525i to 1,000,000 miles, the Mobil 1 engine oil in it was changed every 7,000 miles, even though that meant changing it every week. Okay, not many of us are going to run an engine to 200k, never mind 1,000k. But if you want your engine to stay clean, change the oil and the filter every 6k or every 6 months max. If you don't care, then pretend you're a fleet manager and don't bother.

Re: Filter and Oil Changes - Keithb
"The brewery tests the engine oil in its trucks and compamy cars and has found that none last longer than 6,000 miles without becoming at least partly contaminated or degraded"

This is meaningless as it's obvious that there would be some contamination after 6000 miles. If there wasn't we would never have to change our oil! The question is whether the contamination matters i.e. does it affect the longetivity of the engine if oil is changed at the manufacturer's recommended times ? The true answer to that (i.e. not conjecture or hearsay) is unknown except, perhaps, to the oil companies who do not release such information.
Re: Filter and Oil Changes - ian (cape town)
How do you change the filter halfway between oil changes?
Drain the oil, replace filter, pour partially used oil back in?
seems like muchos hassle - having to use a spotlessly clean receptacle, and not drop any under-car crud in the old baking tray ...Or am I just being obtuse?
Re: Filter and Oil Changes - Geordie Chris's Cat
No ian you prat, just because the usual routine is to drain the oil then take off the filter doesn't mean you are stuck with this procedure.

First top the oil up to the max mark and simply unscrew the filter and put the new one on. then don't forget to top up again after the oil has been circulating for a bit, because you will have just thrown away the 1/2pt contained in the filter. So if you could send that baking tray you won't be needing to Chris so he doesn't have to make me go out into the fog on the Tyne.........

But forget this, becuse HJ's just given a poweful reasoning why you don't want to keep your six month old oil even if it is a synthetic. <@O¬
Re: Filter and Oil Changes - ian (cape town)
Prat? Me?
That old devil called Gravity seems to have been missed in your equation... All depending on where the filter is situated, I suppose...
Re: Filter and Oil Changes - Geordie Chris's Cat
Forgive me, no offence meant. Prat was maent to be in the affecionate, leg rubbing, sense. (Like when an australian calls you a b*st*rd).
We cats are big fans of gravity, it's bad enough the birds having wings, if the mice could float away we'd be stuffed. <@O¬
Re: Filter and Oil Changes - ian (cape town)
Stupid feline sense of humour...
No offence taken, Moggy - I know if I loosened the oil filter on several cars I know of, close to a gallon of the black stuff would end up all over the driveway, neccessitating a quick power-clean, and ruining my slippers.

Can I have my biscuit tray back, please?
Re: Filter and Oil Changes - David W

It just seems like a gallon, a little old engine oil goes a long way on the drive.

Do I remember from physics that oil will try and spread out to one molecule thick?

Most filters will hold about 0.5-1.0 litres but not all of it spills out. However you still need a sump drain tray to do the job and then to add the amount lost.

Frankly if you going to bother getting the kit out at all I'd do the oil as well.

PS. Why do moggys hate power washers?
