Warning!! Is this a con?? - Andrew Holdsworth
I recently received a telephone call for advice from an anxious relative. You will have to excuse the lack of detail as I was asleep at the time but the general story was this.
He had a letter from a company I believe called Security International somewhere on the South coast stating that his car ( the make and reg. no. were on the letter ) had been illegally parked on December 29th 2000 somewhere else down South and as a result had been clamped. The clamp had been removed without authorisation and as a consequence he as to pay a £30 fine. If he did not comply proceedings would be commenced. Replys were to be sent to a PO box number.
We live in the North. He had been nowhere near the South of England at that time. I advised him to place the letter in file 13 ( the bin ) but on second thoughts to visit his local Police Station to either validate the company or pass on intelligence to the relevent Constabulary, if this was indeed a scam.
What did cross my mind was that the company may be bona fide, disagreeable as we may find the practice of extortion ( I mean clamping ). In which case there is a cloned car running round in the South. More sinister if this infact a scam where did they get the registered keeper details from? Surely not DVLA!!