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Help! Xantia Coolant leak - Lee H
Hi everyone,

I hope you can help me with this one. Was sitting waiting for SWMBO to meet for lunch when I noticed some steam coming from the engine. Opened the bonnet and found it was mostly white where coolant (I assume) has squirted all over the engine bay.

There's a small fracture in the rubber pipe that is on the top right of the engine and this is where it's escaping from. I've posted a picture of the problem click here. or www.btinternet.com/~harkis/help.html

I just need to know what the pipe is (it seems to end up at the radiator) and how much I could expect to pay to have it repaired at an independent.

I don't know how long it's been doing this other than it was OK on Sunday when I checked the oil & water, but would it be safe to drive to a garage in the current condition. It took a litre of water t refill the radiator to its normal level. I've had to leave the car to seek further assistance (here)

Your expert help would be very much appreciated.
Re: Help! Xantia Coolant leak - Mark (Brazil)

I can't help with the problem, but that was an excellent way to post the problem.

How did you do it ?

Techie - Lee H
Thanks Mark,

I keep a digital camera in the car with me, and when it looked bad took a couple of photos, set up a simple web page and drove the Clio home to my computer to seek expert advice.

Oh, and I've got a lot of time on my hands at the moment.


Re: Techie - Big Vern
I too am very impressed, however ( I am picking nits here) an arrow for the location of the fracture would have been nice :-)
Re: Techie - Ian Cook

Can you explain how you inserted the shortcut link into the posting.

Re: Techie - Lee H
Hi Ian,

I wrote a post explaining how to do it here ( www.honestjohn.co.uk/phorum/read.php?f=1&i=40021&t...8 ).

Hope that helps,
Re: Techie - Dwight Van Driver
What about wrapping Duck Tape around the hose at the fracture, then ensure collant level is correct. This should cover you for 4 miles?

Must compliment on photo of fault. This must be a first for this site. Whatever next and family photo of LAC? (Please forgive)

Re: Techie - Mark (Brazil)
mmm, "set up a simple webpage" went right over my head.
Lee, while you are worrying - Flat in Fifth
Lee hope this helps calm you down,

A peaceful moment at How Hill

This might be a load of tosh, in case it is first attempt at posting a link has obviously failed.
Photorama - Lee H
Thanks, it seems to work fine Stuart, no problems. Very relaxing picture it is too. Is it one of your own? I feel better already :-)

I did think about setting up an MSN community for the backroom, as it would be possible for everyone to upload and share their own photos. But didn't get too far with it.

That engine isn't very well polished Lee! - David W

I assume you mean the pipe to the heater, the only thing you didn't do was put an arrow on the image! I'm unsure on yours as to where the next join is, the one to the heater is often a special plastic o-ring thingy.

These hoses are usually a Citroen-only part. You can never guess with hoses but perhaps £15 - £25, maybe more if it is one length back to the heater.

Minimal cost to fit, re-fill system and bleed. Say one hours labour and 3l glycol on top of hose cost.

Re: That engine isn't very well polished Lee! - Lee H
No, it's not too clean is it? :)

I'm terrified of what's under there and do nothing other than no-brain level checks for fear of disturbing something expensive.

There's an independent Citroen specialist in my town - I'll give them a bell. Should I drive it the 4 miles from where it is to them, or exercise my RAC membership? I'm concerned that I may do something horrible to her if it starts to run out of water.

Thanks David, I was secretly hoping you might see this, I really do appreciate your help.

Re: That engine isn't very well polished Lee! - David W

I'd hate to say drive it and you find the coolant had all gone hence you do a head gasket.

If this was an emergency I'd say make a temp repair by cutting the pipe at the split, shoving a suitable bit of tube for a joiner and jubilee clip the repair.

Most important having done that to fill and bleed the system.

Might be better to go for the RAC (again??).

If you were this way a few minutes and a few quid would see you on your way.

I only logged on today as I'm painting a door in the office (ish) where the PC is located, otherwise should be working outside.

Re: Photorama - KB
My word you fella's. I'm impressed. Not only the ability to graphically show others a particular problem but I thought the windmill was a bit special too.

This does rather seem to extend the scope of this particular site. I expect there will be associated problems highlighted by others, but on the face of it, if you can do it, why not?

Which brings us to how you do - do it? I'd have to have it explained slowly in words of not very many syllables. Perhaps all will become clear (like your photo's Lee & FIF).

Re: Photorama - KB
The other thing that has crossed my mind and which I'm reminded of here and which DW may have a view on is :-
I notice that this particular problem relates to a Citroen. I'm also aware of the Citroen Car Club which I'm sure is thriving, alive and well. I seem to notice quite a few questions relating to cars *other* than Toyota, Honda, Nissan, Mitsubishi and other popular Japanes makes, and am not so aware of the existance of clubs devoted to, say, the Toyota Corolla or Nissan Bluebird or Honda Civic.

What I'm really trying to say is - is this because the 'Jap's' are so much more reliable that there isn't the need for owners to correspond with each other regarding the sort of problems that exist with, say, the French makes.

Having said that some Italian models were not always known for their reliability either. And having said that, 1970's and 80's Rovers weren't either.

I would imagine that DW for example has plenty of work partly due to his speciality with French cars and wonder whether there is as much work to be had with the Japanese models. This is a question, not a statement and I welcome others to put another viewpoint and am sure David will reply (when he's not fixing Citroen's).

Look forward to others opinions.


Re: Photorama - Moosh
I've noticed that a very high percentage of family Japanese car owners have no interest in any car whatsoever.

They just look at the car as a necessary form of transport.

Maybe thats why some Jap cars are considered dull and boring.
Emergency tape - Flat in Fifth
I carry self amalgamating tape, which sort of welds to itself and makes quite a solid seal if left alone.
Re: Emergency tape - Ian Cook
And this is brilliant stuff, FIF. It was once sold as "Telecohesive" and has endless uses.

Updated Image. - David W

Ah I see you've popped a "you are here arrow" on the image, only noticed as I was showing SWMBO your nifty page.

Right this looks a good candidate for a repair with another short section of hose and a metal joining pipe. You have so much room and length to play with the possibilities are endless.
