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Dodgy buyer? - Andrew Barnes

Selling my 2001 Golf GTI 1.8T - asking price 15K

Got a call from a potential buyer, 1st question - is it on finance? - no
2nd question - whats the reg number? DK** ***
3rd question - whats the VIN - WVW ****etc
said he was going to do an AA check on it and get them to inspect it, can he have my address please? Get the AA to call me and i'll give them my address I replied.

He gave me his name and address - turned out to be false, got a mobile number - switched off.

Whats he going to do with these details?


Re: Dodgy buyer? - Jonathan
Ring the car?
Re: Dodgy buyer? - Moosh
Or worse he could be trying to get a key for the car ?
Re: Dodgy buyer? - John S
Order a spare set of keys?

Perhaps you should start removing a fuel pump fuse or more when you park it at night!


Re: Dodgy buyer? - Andrew Barnes

To be honest - not too bothered about it getting nicked - it's properly insured and I keep it's original keys locked away. They would still have to get past the fairly advanced alarm/immobiliser wouldn't they?


> Order a spare set of keys?
> Perhaps you should start removing a fuel pump fuse or more
> when you park it at night!
> Regards
> John
Re: Dodgy buyer? - Jonathan
How did you check the address?

royalmail.com will allow you to check the address off a postcode or vice versa.

then go to 192.com to check to see who is on the electoral roll. Just because the are not on the roll doesn't mean they are dodgy.

Re: Dodgy buyer? - Andrew Barnes

He said he was from a certain place, then gave a dodgy postcode from somewhere miles away.


> How did you check the address?
> royalmail.com will allow you to check the address off a
> postcode or vice versa.
> then go to 192.com to check to see who is on the electoral
> roll. Just because the are not on the roll doesn't mean they
> are dodgy.
> Jonathan
Re: Dodgy buyer? - Ian Aspinall
I think Jonathan's right - I read an article about this somewhere the other day. Armed with the reg no, VIN and your address, he writes to the DVLA, says he's moved from there to another address and lost the V5 in the process, and please could they issue a replacement with the new address on it and send it there? They oblige, and using the new log book, he duly gets number plates and a tax disc for the identical Golf which he stole earlier, and sells it on to some unsuspecting punter.

Maybe worth a call to the DVLA to warn them?
Re: Dodgy buyer? - Andrew Barnes


Luckily my wife works in motor finance and can keep doing HPIs on the car to check nothing dodgy is going on. I'll get her to do a check every week!


> I think Jonathan's right - I read an article about this
> somewhere the other day. Armed with the reg no, VIN and your
> address, he writes to the DVLA, says he's moved from there to
> another address and lost the V5 in the process, and please
> could they issue a replacement with the new address on it and
> send it there? They oblige, and using the new log book, he
> duly gets number plates and a tax disc for the identical Golf
> which he stole earlier, and sells it on to some unsuspecting
> punter.
> Maybe worth a call to the DVLA to warn them?
Re: Dodgy buyer? - David W

Don't you deal in Golfs?

Thought you'd have put the brakes on this chap before he got all that info, or do you have that type of enquiry often?

Re: Dodgy buyer? - Andrew Barnes


Steep learning curve!

Didn't want to put him off by withholding info if he was a potential buyer.


David W wrote:
> Andrew,
> Don't you deal in Golfs?
> Thought you'd have put the brakes on this chap before he got
> all that info, or do you have that type of enquiry often?
> David
Re: Dodgy buyer? - Alwyn
I asked for the reg. number when I enquired about what is now our Mondeo. I needed it to do an on-line HPI check.
Re: Dodgy buyer? - Flat in Fifth

Yikes exactly this happened to someone selling a Cossie in Muttering Nudes.

Buyer claimed to be from Cornwall and wanted to do all the checks before he made the trip to East Midlands. Seller stopped handing out info well short of what you have given him.

Next day gets home to his Dad putting phone down, "oh its that chap from Cornwall interested in buying your car, just asking for some more details and seeing as you were at work well...." and then he noticed look on son's face.

Of course the seller heard nothing more until local bobby knocked on the door about all these unpaid fines. Turned out another Cossie had been ringed and they had cloned this chaps car. As it turned out this was in a village and the local bobby was truly a local so it was sorted amicably at that end, don't know the eventual solution as I lost contact.

Sorry to bring you a bad news story. Ian Aspinall's advice is spot on in my opinion. Get your backside in gear PDQ.

Good luck, and help the troops nick the pink fluffy dice .

Re: Dodgy buyer? - Andrew Barnes
Hmmm - I did go to the local Police Station yesterday, but they didn't want to know, the lady on the counter just shrugged her shoulders - how helpful? Apparently until a crime has been commited they can't do anything.


Re: Dodgy buyer? - Alwyn
Police up here (North Wales)are always telling us to pass on any info so they can enter it into CPAS - Crime Pattern Analysis System.

They use it to predict future crimes from past events.

PC should have been more interested. Did you get the number of the mobile? 1471? Caller display records?
Re: Dodgy buyer? - Andrew Barnes

I've got the mobile number

> Police up here (North Wales)are always telling us to pass on
> any info so they can enter it into CPAS - Crime Pattern
> Analysis System.
> They use it to predict future crimes from past events.
> PC should have been more interested. Did you get the number
> of the mobile? 1471? Caller display records?
Re: Dodgy buyer? - Alwyn
You may wish to write to the Chief Constable or Divisional Commander and ask why they show no interest in a possible up-coming crime. Mention CPAS if you wish
Re: Dodgy buyer? - Moosh
Crime prevention by the police simply will not happen in this instance.

There is no bonus points in it for them.

They perform/answer to a statisican's schedule i.e. crimes detected not prevented.
Re: Dodgy buyer? - Jonathan
If he gave you a mobile number and a name, you can check with the mobile phone companies. Some of them have directory enquiries. If it is switched off what is the voice mail message. Ring them and as you know the name they should be able to confirm the number. If the number is correct then its a start.
Re: Dodgy buyer? - PDP
It's unlikely a kosher punter would want to get the HPI check done before seeing the car - you wouldn't want to shell out £30 until you were happy with everything else
Re: Dodgy buyer? - Jonathan
Depends if its going to cost more that £30 to go and see it. You can get a mini check done for £17.50.
Re: Dodgy buyer? - Steve G
You say the Name and Address he gave you was false, which makes it clear there is some kind of criminal activity at play.
I would contact VW/HPI/DVLA and ask them to put your VRM/VIN on security watch.
You may not be concerned about your Golf being stolen, but what about some other poor guy who has lost his Golf ?
The police attitude is appalling, too many speeding motorists to catch i suppose ?
Re: Dodgy buyer? - the plot thickens! - Andrew Barnes

Rang up the DVLA today, asked for advice. They checked on their computer and found that someone had enquired about the registration number yesterday ... someones up to something ...


> Selling my 2001 Golf GTI 1.8T - asking price 15K
> Got a call from a potential buyer, 1st question - is it on
> finance? - no
> 2nd question - whats the reg number? DK** ***
> 3rd question - whats the VIN - WVW ****etc
> said he was going to do an AA check on it and get them to
> inspect it, can he have my address please? Get the AA to call
> me and i'll give them my address I replied.
> He gave me his name and address - turned out to be false, got
> a mobile number - switched off.
> Whats he going to do with these details?
> Cheers
> Andrew
Re: Dodgy buyer? - the plot thickens! - KB
A warning to us all.

And a reminder to be aware of what's going on around us.

Thanks to Andrew for letting us know and lets hope nothing more sinister comes of it.

Re: Dodgy buyer? - the plot thickens! - Neil
There's not only the person who has lost their car as the person who buys a ringed car is going to lose the car and their money.
Re: Dodgy buyer? - the plot thickens! - Steve G
You have got the mobile number, how about sending a text message ?
I'm sure the Backroomers could come up with some suggestions for a message !
Thinking cap on ........
The Sweeney - Rob Govier
How about

"Please call xxxxx xxxxxx as I have further info on the car you requested."

Make it a mobile number which will at least keep a record of the CLI (if sent).

This was once done to someone who stole a radiopager. They called a number paged to them. They were nicked.

(have we all been watching re-runs of "The Sweeney"?)

Re: The Sweeney - Pete
People can get loads of info about your car, as described above, plus they can get the VIN no on a modern car as it is displayed in the windscreen. A good start for getting a V5 and or duplicate keys.