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spark plugs - tony
About 3 weeks ago one of the Denso Spark Plugs fitted in my Toyota Carina 2 3 S-FE engine exploded. The centre porcelain core and centre electrode parted company from the screwed part of the plug which remained in place in the cylinder head. I have e-mailed Denso Europe and Japan but have not had the courtesy of a reply. The plug had only been in place 6 months. Any ideas or similar experiences?
Re: spark plugs - Tomo
It happens, occasionally. Probably will never happen again.

But I can affirm it's surprising when it blows past your thigh!

If you have only one pot, carry a spare.
Re: spark plugs - Mark (Brazil)
took a chunk out of my boot on a Dominator SS.
Re: spark plugs - Dan J
Mate of mine's brother had a knackered plug fire clean through the bonnet of his recently polished Polo - Not a happy man!
Re: spark plugs - mike harvey
It's usually the thread in the head that strips, letting the plug fire out, rather than the porcelain exploding, in my experience. Still makes you jump though.
Re: spark plugs - ROBIN
If you accidently drop a spark plug onto something hard,a garage floor being an example,scrapping it will avoid you having this experience.
I have some old,very old,dismantle-able spark plugs here,they are for vintage boat engines.They will withstand nuclear attack.