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Nippon pong remover - THe Growler
Postings have appeared asking how to get rid of stale air-con smells and kill bacteria in the ventilation system. Our Japanese car accessory shop is the size of a medium supermarket and carries stuff you?ve never heard of (and frequently can?t read the instructions for). So I decided to see what they have. Sure enough they stock the ARS Car Fumigator (no tittering at the back please), made by The Earth Chemical Co. in Tokyo. It (and I quote) ?powerfully deodorises with microscopic particle tobacco smell filling the car, nuisance smell of airconditioner and smell of air-freshener stained in seats. Mildew and bacteria found in seats and mats and pipes are rooted up completely?.

It costs the equivalent of under six pounds and is a tin containing a chemical sachet and a perforated cover, just like a regular car freshener. The tin is filled with water, the sachet emptied therein, the ventilation system switched on in Recirc mode, doors closed and left for 10 minutes. Pungent smoke then fills the car, which disperses through the fan and pervades the vent system. When the doors are opened a lemon fragrance assails the olfactories.

I decided to try this on the Mazda hack, which hasn?t had its aircon touched in 7 years apart from the occasional burst of R-12 to top it up and lives in a tropical climate of high heat and humidity carrying all kinds of humanity on various errands. This existence had unsurprisingly conferred upon the interior something akin to the smell of the back of a Beirut taxi. The Fumigator worked fine, and now a week later the car still smells pleasantly fresh and lemony. Both our maid and driver are pleased, and that alone is worth 6 quid.

Maybe with the increasing usage and awareness of aircons in the West something like this product will show up in Halfords one day. In the meantime I have the manufacturer?s blurb and would be happy to fax this to anyone who wanted to obtain a supply or contact the factory to enquire about distributorship and score maybe a UK first! My email is growler@philippines.com.ph

The same store incidentally carries a Japanese paint proofing product specifically to repel bird poop and acid rain. I?ll try this and report.