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£7K - £8K Estate - Andrew
Ok. A bit broad this one considering what I am about to ask but, here goes. In the price range I have specified I am looking for a family estate (i.e bigger than escort sized). Quality is what I am after, not necessarily newness, and expect to own it for 3 to 4 years (by which time I tend to get bored however good a car). Recommendations and things to consider very welcome. Thanks in advance. (I have a part-ex worth about £3500 I think)

Re: £7K - £8K Estate - Phil
What sort of mileage do you intend to cover? If it is a fair bit I would suggest a Passat 110 TDI Estate. I think that fills most of the criteria.
Re: £7K - £8K Estate - Andrew
More than I do now, which is about 10K doing daily 15 milers to work and back. Upcoming though is more regular visits to mother-in-law and she is 200 miles down the M6/M5, loaded with kid(s) dog and wifes assorted luggage...
Re: £7K - £8K Estate - Eleanor Coughran
For quality tryToyota Camry/Avenis Estate, for that money you will get Aircon, Turdo dielsel.

Re: £7K - £8K Estate - BigAl
My friend has had a T reg Passat of the type suggested by Phil from new. He swears by it and claims that it does 51 mpg.

My 2litre petrol Mondeo estate does 33mpg. They're quite a bit cheaper than the Passat, and OK, but the finish (particularly internal) is not so good. Like most cars, they're fine if you know the history.

Re: £7K - £8K Estate - Richard Hall
Audi A6 Avant (old shape) is a lovely high quality motor car - not that easy to find, but worth looking out for. 2.5 TDi goes very well and still gives better than 40 mpg.
Re: £7K - £8K Estate - Nicholas Moore
There are lots of reliability problems with the A6, and I seem to remember HJ warning against the 2.5 diesel for some good reason (?timing belt). Get a Mercedes C250TD estate on a P or R plate - probably just over budget.
Re: £7K - £8K Estate - Andrew
So far so good.. thanks for the early replies people. I like the sound of the A6 so far (well who wouldn't?). As for the Mondeo 2L, I have a Mondeo TD at the moment doing, I think, 45mpg or there abouts, so dropping to the petrol at 33 won't feel like I am gaining much.

Re: £7K - £8K Estate - BigAl
'struth, I wasn't suggesting you got a Mondeo - I was just sticking it in as a low-price benchmark. With £7K - 8K, you could buy a house around here!

Re: £7K - £8K Estate - Andrew
Tell me more about the house, mpg etc ?
I was just checking the Passat details here on the site and the list of whats bad was looking a bit daunting. Interesting about the Merc, can't remember where I read it now, but it was featuring the C200 Estate on an L/M plate about this price, saying how good it was if you got a decent one. That is actually what got me thinking in the first place..
Re: £7K - £8K Estate - Phil
If you want value for money, 8 grand will buy you *a lot* of used Vauxhall Omega. They shed their value like its going out of fashion so you could probably get a fairly new one with lots of kit. The 2.2DTi engine might be worth a look too.
Re: £7K - £8K Estate - Phil
Oh yeah, the estates are huge too.
Re: £7K - £8K Estate - David W
TD Mercedes of whatever age your budget gets you.

Despite the comments about possible build quality issues I bet this will give you a better motoring experience than most.

And I'd bet you'll have something left to trade in at the end. An £8K Ford/Vauxhall etc will be worth buttons in four years but a Mercedes Diesel will reach a certain value and stick roughly there for years.

If you get one in a metallic blue and change the oil regularly let me know when you've finished with it as the depretiation curve might meet my budget so I can have it!

Re: £7K - £8K Estate - Steve
it's ok David I am looking after it, 102k miles now, oil changes every 4.5k ie 4 times a year. Also using Millers fuel additive now. Will that be OK? Anything else I should be doing?
Re: £7K - £8K Estate - David W

Many thanks, also I do like a nice clean interior (or one that will clean up)!

Re: £7K - £8K Estate - Steve
it is very clean grey cloth 7 seats not smoked in.
Re: £7K - £8K Estate - David W

Glad I popped a little more into the Building Society today then.

Re: £7K - £8K Estate - CM
Father in law has a Pug 306 Estate. Decent size boot but susspect back seat lacks leg room.

Not as big as Passat/Omega but then if you do not want a car that is too big it might be worth a look. Simialarly the old Laguna Estate has a decent amount of load space and probably cheap.
Re: £7K - £8K Estate - Mick
I had a Passat TDI 110 - fantastic fuel economy, good build etc but totally boring to drive. Only problem was the cat which went at 12,000 miles.
Re: £7K - £8K Estate - David Withers
I would agree with those who have recommended a slightly older 'expensive-when-new' car rather than a run-of-the-mill car and I would look at German cars for driving enjoyment combined with above-average reliability. If reliability is paramount a Japanese car might suit best but you would need to be very selective in order to avoid their typical blandness and so-so ride, handling and driver/vehicle integration.

There have been criticisms on this forum about the quality of Omegas, and even Mercedes (and I have been critical myself of the newer Mercedes), but they aren't bad cars by any means, it's just that they sometimes don't meet the reliability expectations that should go hand in hand with expensive top end cars. When found on cheaper cars, those same 'occasional quality glitches' would probably be accepted without too much complaint.

I would certainly consider an Omega or Mercedes 'C' / 'E' class as a front runner. I also really like my own BMW 5-Series Touring but mention of BMW on this forum seems to draw out all the closet "saw one once being driven badly so don't like them or their owners" idiots so I'll keep this recommendation low key!

Seriously, your budget should buy you a very nice example of a top end estate and you might find you like it so much that you DON'T get bored with it after 3 or 4 years! Good hunting!
Re: £7K - £8K Estate - Peter Gabbott
7k should buy you a 'barely run-in' Mitsubishi Galant. We have a 98R 2.0 68k in the family. Cost £5,600 back in the summer. Totally bullet-proof with all the comforts and returns around 35mpg. See reviews, HJ, Parkers, etc.

Re: £7K - £8K Estate - Ben Bartlett
Try an Audi A6 Avant 2.5tdi 140 . 40 + to the gallon , excellent performance , loads of room . Service costs at local specialist less than Ford or Vauxhall main dealers . I'm a tad buyist being an Audi owner but I'm sure you wouldn't be disappointed , try a test drive ........
Re: £7K - £8K Estate - Fred Stoat
A6 without a doubt but the petrol engines are v economical and much less agricultural than the diesels - latest V6 excepted.

What's this about reliability problems? SWMBO's has been brilliant and I know someone with a 1.8T petrol that has done almost 150k
Re: £7K - £8K Estate - Guy Lacey
Subaru Legacy or SAAB ?? Estate - quality and just that little bit different.

...... and they look the business.
Re: £7K - £8K Estate - Andrew
Just like to thank everyone for the diverse comments and recommendations, there's a look to work through and some of the ideas are definitely what I think. Thanks all.

Re: £7K - £8K Estate - ROBIN
I'm sure the 5 series BMW will be the nicest to drive,and 5 series seem to get better looked after,owned by older persons I suppose.
You can get them in mega tuneable diesel form too,but make sure you get the one woth the intercooler.Even if it is,actually,an aftercooler!
Otherwise a Pug 406 estate,with the 110 HDi seems to me to be the nicest of the ordinaries.You will prabably get at least 10 years out of it,although,unchipped,its no fireball.