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'Wax'on alloys? - Andy
There are dribbles of a waxy substance on the alloys of our new car. Nothing seems to shift it, and it is getting grubby.
Can anyone help?

Thanks in advance,

Re: 'Wax'on alloys? - Steve G
Try white spirit , usually works.
Re: 'Wax'on alloys? - Andy
Thanks - I've tried meths, with no joy. I'll give it a whirl.
Re: 'Wax'on alloys? - Nicholas Moore
Try Autoglym Intensive Tar Remover
Re: 'Wax'on alloys? - Tony Coote
Wonderwheels seems to clean most things off of my alloys.
Re: 'Wax'on alloys? - prm

Try WD-40 and a nail brush, cleans most things.

Word of warning ! - Kevin

Be careful if your wheels have a lacquer coating. Some proprietary alloy wheel cleaners contain weak acids to remove brake dust and oxidation. If the wheels have a protective coating that is even *slightly* scratched, the acid will eat it's way under the coating and cause it to bubble. Only solution is to have them refurbished.
Re: Word of warning ! - Nicholas Moore
lacquered - use Autoglym Clean Wheels, acid based
unlacquered - use Autoglym Engine Cleaner, alkali
Re: Word of warning ! - Andy
Thanks all. I'll start off with the mildest and work up. I suspect the 'wax' is some kind of protection or lubrication applied during manufacture, and they've been a bit careless.
Re: Word of warning ! - boost
Yeah - WD40 all over your brake discs. Top idea.

from experience....... doh!
Re: Word of warning ! - Andy
White spirit did the trick with ease. Thanks SteveG.
Re: Word of warning ! - Steve G
Glad it worked Andy.
Re: Word of warning ! - Brian
Marvellous example of what this site is all about.
Problem stated.
Half a dozen suggestions inside 24 hours.
Problem solved.